It was only a short amount of time later. The sky darker than ever. I didn't understand how Cole knew where he was going, but he did. I walked backwards and in circles around us to make sure nothing was going to come at us.
Every new sound I heard made me jump. No words were exchanged between Cole and I. I could hear us breathe through the silence. I could not hear Katie's breath. Did she have one?
The heavy metal weapon was woven in my fingers. I didn't know how to use this thing. Point and squeeze...right?
Cole started running. Why? Panic set in. I caught up with him and had to stop once I saw it.
A small house. Another cabin. It stood before me. I took it in with only a few seconds to understand where I was.
This was not the cabin I knew. It was different. About an 8th of the size. Could this even be lived in? I swear you wouldn't even know this was a cabin if you weren't paying attention.
Cole opened the door to this mysterious house and left the door open for me.
I walked in hearing my own foot steps on the wooden floor and shut the door behind me.
A flicker came from the corner of the room we were in. A bloody Cole stood behind the flicker of light. He was lighting candles.
He went from corner to corner lighting all that there was. I was standing in a living room slash kitchen slash dining room slash everything really. I could only see two doors in this whole place. I'm assuming a bedroom and bathroom.
Cole's entire coat was red. I'm not sure what color it was before, I just know it wasn't red. Now it is. Thanks to Katie.
Katie. Oh my God. Katie.
I swallowed and ran over to her. Cole had laid her down on the floor next to the first candle he brought fire to.
I heard a click behind me. Cole locked us in this cabin. Whatever.
I knelt down to Katie. Her eyes closed. Her chest not moving. I placed my hand on her heart. Nothing. No beat. I looked at her whole body starting with feet. Everything was stiff. I reached her neck and saw it. There it was. The thing that killed her.
Blood had stopped leaving her body by now. It was all over Cole the scene of the crime.
I covered my mouth and starred at her neck. It was horrible. The dog must have knew where to bit to kill. Katie was gone. I placed the gun that was still in my hands on the floor.
She was gone. Uncontrollable sobs came from my body. I laid my head on her.
"I'm sorry." I spoke. Louder than I intended.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I kept repeating. This was not my fault. I knew that.
I felt like I needed to apologize anyway.
I dried my eyes and took in a deep breath. I didn't care anymore. I was going to stand up and walk right out of this cabin. Who cares if I die? I certainly don't. Katie is gone. Sara is gone. I should be too.
I turned myself to the door that lead to the outside and stood up.
A sharp stabbing pain filled my body. All over.
Suddenly I felt cold. Dizzy. My eyes shut. I couldn't open them. I fell to the ground. I couldn't move. Was I dying? I could feel my brain shutting down. Similar to the same way it does when I go to sleep.
Cole's POV.
I locked the door just in case. Not like wolves can open doors, but it makes me feel safer. Hopefully it'll make Emily feel safer too.

Teen Fiction"Now that I know what makes you tick.." He said walking over to me. "I know how to make you listen to me." He brushed my hair behind my ears. Damn it. This is what I was afraid of. Showing too much emotion has caused him to see my weakness. "Don't...