I'm Juliet? At Least Give Me Prattles!

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this is kam (or teefe, whatever you want to call it) because I just love this ship, k, bye)  it's also a human high school au but that doesn't affect the story much.

oh and this contains swearing, I'm sorry.

Tam was annoyed. He had been practicing his lines to play Mercutio for his English project in which they had to do scenes from Romeo and Juliet and freaking Juliet wasn't anywhere to be seen.

For the project, Keefe was to be Romeo, Sophie was Juliet, Biana was mostly the nurse and some other characters. He was mainly Mercutio, but since they were a group of four, they would just have to eliminate or play more than one role.

He looked everywhere for Sophie and Biana since he had seen them a couple of hours ago, but apparently, the two twats had decided to skip school, leaving only two to practice scenes from a stupid play.

Romeo and Juliet was stupid. First of all, Juliet was 13 and Romeo was 16, and they started dating. Then, it was far too dramatic for his liking, too much ado over nothing. Lastly, it was a three-day romance that ended up killing a lot of people, how is that not stupid?

I voiced my thoughts out loud, and Keefe had a look on his face that probably meant that he didn't agree with me. And I was right.

"Romeo and Juliet is a masterpiece! How can you say that, there's a reason it's so famous!"

"Yeah, Romeo, it's because Whatever Shakyfruit was the only one who spoke that English but it sucketh. It's overrated, and it's stupid."

"Well, it's a great play, but it doesn't matter if freaking Sophie and Biana won't arrive cause it's not like we can do the important scenes. Wait, we need someone to play Juliet to do the typical scenes..." his voice trailed off and looked at me "hey, you're probably smaller than Sophie, you probably fit inside the costume..."

"oh hell no. I won't do it you fucker."

"come on; it'll be short. I'll give you rare prattles pins."

Five minutes later, we had opened Sophie's locker to look for her Juliet costume, and I found her notebook. I opened it on the last page and began reading:

"romeo and juliet fucking sucks. I'm done with English class; i think ill just skip and go with biana to the park or something. maybe ill finally kiss her. idk.
peace out,

Ha, at least she agreed with me, but now we know there's no chance she comes back, and I'm going to fucking play the 13-year-old girl. I am thrilled.

"Tammy boyyyyyy" I heard someone speak and I turned around to see Keefe holding the frilly Juliet dress. Dammit.

Ten minutes later, I was standing in the stupid costume, putting socks in my chest to create fake boobs, something I never imagined I'd do in my entire life.

I grumbled as Keefe passed me some high heels which I was terrified of. I slipped them on and stood up, but I couldn't walk at all and kept falling down. The situation had become so ridiculous that he actually had to give me his hand so I can walk.

"Dude, look, I'm your height now."

"You only wish you were as tall as me in real life, but I guess heels can help you fulfill that impossible dream."

"Look, I'm awesome in these heels; I can walk perfe - wOAH FUCK!"

I had fallen to the ground, which was pretty embarrassing, considering that I was in a dress and heels. But, the worst part, was that I had fallen on top of someone, who's face was barely an inch away from mine.

I had to get up quickly and turn away before he saw me blush or feel my "feelings". Stupid empaths and their abilities to tell emotions.

We completely ignored the incident that had just occurred and began practicing. All was running pretty smoothly, considering it was the two of us, who get in trouble or fight every half an hour. And then we reached the balcony scene.

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore fucking art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet, but fucking dead" Keefe shot me a disapproving look, but, what was I meant to do, when this is one of the most ridiculous and most famous parts of the whole play.

I continued, using my efforts to ruin this play the best way I could. "What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor ear, nor elbow, nor pretty eyes, nor stupid hair that they care so much about, nor di-"

"Okay, okay, that's enough"

I took off the high heels, (aka torture devices) and felt immediately much shorter than Keefe, who smirked when I shrunk.

"But I was just going to say diaphragm!" I said with the most innocent smile I could possibly muster.

"Yeah, right. I know you Tam, and you're a lot like me, so I don't trust you"

"Good! Why would you" I said in a much more bitter tone than I should've considering he was just joking around.

Keefe let out a sigh. "Maybe, maybe just because I actually want to get to know you better and be friends, not fight all the time!"

"Maybe we're not meant to be friends and we won't ever get along. That's the way of life, isn't it?"

He stepped closer. "That's bullshit and you know it. We can always try to get along! You're just looking for an excuse to avoid me"

"And why would I avoid you?"

"To ignore those feelings you have developed for someone, but you can't keep repressing them, not anymore" I tried not to turn red but my body wasn't cooperating.

He was an inch away, and I took a deep breath before deciding what to say next. "It's true Keefe, I can't keep hiding what I feel"

Suddenly, my lips were on his and everything around us ceased to exist. His lips were soft and gentle, and I knew that he liked this, since he was smiling through the kiss.

When we broke apart, I looked up into his eyes and said, "well, we can try to get along"

word count: 1151

hi folks, it's alex here and I just want to say I'm sorry for the disaster that this is. it was originally a frerard oneshot that I never finished (I stopped before the "tammy boyyyyy") which is why it contains cursing and Sophie is sorta out of character. because she was originally lyn-z. it's also 2:00 am right now so that's why the second half is also awful, I'm so sorry.

I hope I can write something better soon,


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