rainbow hair sounds stupid, keefe.

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I am so sorry I haven't written anything kotlc related for the past six months but my reddie book consumed all of my writing inspiration but it's getting too depressing for me to write so here's something lighthearted for once because I love kam (I feel like kam is the kotlc equivalent of klance but whatever) aND YEAH WE'RE GOING TO PRETEND THAT THE KEEFE PART AT THE END OF LEGACY DIDN'T HAPPEN AND EVERYTHING IS JUST PEACHY, OK?

it's simply hilarious that I am writing fanfiction about two boys while listening to girls by girl in red but oh that song is such a mood-

Keefe was absolutely tired of everything, his days living with his father were absolutely monotonous. He despised his father and tried to get in his way as much as possible, being the problem child that his father hated so much.

After a week of reading stupid empathy books, Keefe finally got an idea of a way to solve his problem of every day being the same and exasperating his father at the same time. He hailed Sophie on his imparter and she actually answered for once, something Keefe didn't expect at all.

"Hey Keefe, is something wrong?" Sophie asked upon answering and Keefe felt guilt wash over him. He hadn't talked to Sophie much recently because he suspected that she might like him. Keefe had had a crush on her but it eventually faded away when she had started dating Fitz, since he felt like he was betraying his friend.

Sure, Fitz had been an absolute jerk to him recently but they had been best friends and Keefe always hoped that maybe one day things could go back to the way they were. And then they did, when Sophie and Fitz broke up. He was getting his best friend back, little by little. But Keefe's crush on Sophie had completely evaporated and it seemed like Sophie now had actual feelings for him.

"Keefe, are you there?" Sophie said, snapping him out of his thoughts. Sophie and Keefe had been so close but he couldn't talk to her just now, which made him feel awful because he knew that she liked him but he wasn't sure if he really liked girls all that much, after all, the person constantly on his mind was a boy.

"Sophie, I'm sorry, I must have hailed you by accident, got to go now!" He said hastily and hung up before he decided to hail Dex.

As soon as he answered, Keefe began talking immediately so he could get it done with, he wasn't really in the mood to talk to people after talking with Sophie. "Hi Dex, I was wondering if you could help me with something — wait, why are you at Everglen?"

Dex's face immediately turned bright red and he looked like a tomato with freckles. Who knew he could blush that much? "It doesn't matter, what do you need help with?"

"Oh, well, I want to have rainbow hair. How do I do that?"

"You want to have rainbow hair?"

"Yes, you heard me correctly, I'm tired of being just a hot blond, I want to be like a unicorn now, people objectify me too much"

Dex rolled his eyes at that comment. "Sure, I'll help you with that, I'll be over at yours in about two hours, I can't go now"

Keefe thanked him and then hung up but in the few seconds before he did, he heard Fitz's voice with his crisp accent in the background, asking Dex why had Keefe been calling him. That was strange, uncommon and very weird, just to put it in a few words. Why was Dex with Fitz, didn't they hate each other? Keefe pushed that away from his mind because he had other matters to attend to.

The probability of Lord Cassius entering the room while he was colouring his hair was very high so he had to make sure that he would be distracted. Keefe asked Ro if she could do it and she immediately complied because why would anyone pass up an opportunity to do that?

Keefe was passing the time by drawing in his golden notebook. It was an extremely detailed picture of Tam that he had begun drawing absentmindedly. He was so concentrated in shading it right that he didn't hear footsteps behind him.

"Is that me?" a surprised voice said and Keefe snapped his notebook shut and turned around to see Tam standing there, staring at him.

"No, nope, not at all, what are you talking about?" Keefe stammered, not being able to talk in the smooth way he usually did.

Tam just raised an eyebrow and opened the notebook up to the page Keefe was drawing in using telekinesis. "This, Keefe, I was talking about this."

"Well, uh, I've been drawing people lately, trying to get a hang of it and now it was my turn to draw you. Also, why the hell are you here?"

Tam still had an expression on his face that made Keefe believe that he hadn't bought it. "Dex called me, it was weird, he said something about not being able to come and gave me this to give to you. What are you going to do with all of that goopy stuff?" he held up a bottle filled up with a strange liquid and shook it a little bit.

"Why do you need to know?" Tam shot him a look of disappointment and condescension and Keefe caved in. "Fine, I am going to have rainbow hair and that goopy stuff is going to help it to be that way"

Tam tried to stifle a laugh and it was Keefe's turn to shoot him a look of disappointment. "You're going to look ridiculous"

"As if you're the one to talk, with your stupid silver bangs"

"They are a statement! I am punk!"

"Yeah, sure, say whatever you have to say to make yourself feel better but everyone knows that your bangs are stupid," before Tam could interrupt him, Keefe continued. "also, if you could help me put the goopy stuff on my hair that would be nice. I'll give you some rare prattle pins if you do!"

"Sounds awful but I do like those pins. Fine, I'll do it but you also have to add mallowmelt, I need to be fed"


I really don't like the way this is written but I'm way too tired to check it, it's 2 am,,, y e e t. this was far too long so I had to split it, I'll post the second part as soon as I finish writing it!

word count: 1103

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