rainbow hair sounds stupid, keefe.

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part two.

"Tam, help me"

It was probably the last thing Keefe wanted to say but the strange goop was getting everywhere. Keefe was an absolute disaster at everything and he had already managed to get the hair colouring mixture in his ears and on the floor.

"It's a miracle you haven't accidentally set your house on fire yet" Tam said to him and Keefe just stuck out his tongue in response, like the mature elf that he was.

Tam grabbed the bottle took the lid off to sniff it. "I really don't understand how this disgusting pinkish mixture is going to make your hair multicoloured in different parts. But, I do trust Dex more than you, so I'm just going to spread it all over your hair. Also, it doesn't smell bad at all, it's a bit like usual hair products and flowers, it's pretty nice actually"

Tam started applying the mixture to Keefe's head, actually being careful for once. Nevertheless, Keefe shrieked because it was cold.

"It's all goopy," he whined, squirming in his chair. "hurry up, I'm going to die here"

Tam snorted because Keefe was being absolutely ridiculous, like always. "Stop being such a drama queen, it's not bad. It smells nice and it looks kind of pretty, it's not my fault that it's cold"

Keefe didn't have any response to that so he promptly shut up and sat there with his arms crossed while Tam continued to put the strange mixture in his hair.

At one point, Tam had gotten tired of his bangs falling into his eyes so he fished a scrunchie out of his pocket and tied his bangs with it. His hair wasn't that long so it looked like his hair was shooting out of his head like pineapples' leaves do.

When Keefe saw it, he burst out laughing and Tam proceeded to slap him in the back of his head. Thankfully for Tam, Keefe shut up again and they spent the rest of the time in silence, thinking about life.

author's note: okay forgive me for this entire thing please because that was all written at 5 am and the next part is being written when I've only had two hours of sleep so yeah it's not very good but you got to appreciate the dedication-

Keefe was strangely relaxed, something that didn't happen very often. Maybe it was because when he was around Tam he didn't have to keep up his walls because they had gone through the same awful things. But no, he hated Tam, how could he feel relaxed around him? It didn't make sense at all.

But Tam gently ran his fingers through Keefe's hair at that moment, and a switch flipped inside Keefe. The two boys had forgotten that Keefe was an empath and that was the moment that he realized that the pain he was feeling wasn't his, it was Tam's.

Keefe had never felt so much conflicting emotions, he would feel quick bursts of happiness whenever they laughed but they were always followed by sharp jabs in his heart due to a thick layer of guilt overtaking him. It was painful to see someone so damaged, the only person he knew to be as fucked up as Tam was himself.

And that was when he realized why he had always hated Tam so much. For an empath, Keefe was terrible at comprehending his own emotions and he had looked at this entire situation the wrong way.

Keefe didn't despise Tam, no, he wasn't jealous of him at all. The feeling he had always mistaken for anger and hatred was something else that wasn't inherently negative.

oh no, this can't possibly be happening.

"Could you please shut the fuck up?" Keefe told himself without even realizing that he had said it out loud.

"Excuse me, what? I haven't even spoken for the past fifteen minutes!" Tam poked Keefe's head with his finger, in a very confused manner.

"Nothing, I was just talking to my idiot brain" Tam scoffed at that and Keefe just stuck out his tongue at him. "Anyways, isn't it time to rinse this out?"

They decided that Keefe would change into swimwear and Tam would just throw bucketloads of water onto him. They had to do it in the yard because the whole reason why they were doing it was that if the good managed to stain any part of the immaculately clean bathrooms, Lord Cassius would crucify Keefe.

"I bet you're taking real joy in this huh" Keefe grumbled as he knelt on the cold grass.

"Oh, you don't even know how fun this is going to be" Tam said before dunking the bucket of water all over Keefe's head, making him shriek.

Ro immediately came running outside to see what all of the fuss was about and burst into laughter when she saw Keefe.

"gO AWAY RO, I DONT NEED YOU MAKING FUN OF ME TOO" Keefe continued shrieking as he shivered, it was definitely way too cold for this.

Ro eventually got bored and went back inside. Seeing Keefe being tortured by his friends was becoming a regular thing now and it wasn't as if he didn't bring it on himself.

"Keefe, you are the dumbest person alive. You are visibly shivering, go get yourself dry immediately, how are you this bad at body temperature regulation?" Tam began pushing an absolute freezing Keefe to his room, who for once didn't complain.

When Keefe finished changing his clothes and drying his hair, he finally came out of the bathroom and showed how his hair had turned out. It was a shimmering colourful mess because Keefe hadn't combed it yet but it was so mesmerising that Tam couldn't help but run his fingers through Keefe's shiny rainbow hair.

Keefe felt something different that time, Tam was more relaxed and trusting than he had ever been and he could finally sense some emotions that Tam tried to repress. The shade was a complex person that was very difficult to understand but Keefe could try lowering his walls one by one, after all, he had lowered most of them already.

He went over to his drawer and fished out his golden notebook, where he pulled a page from it. Tam instantly recognized it, it was what Keefe had been drawing when he arrived.

"Maybe it was you." Keefe handed it to Tam who felt like he was looking in a mirror, except that it made himself seem less intimidating than people perceived. That was how Keefe viewed him, not as an intimidating shade who defied the government, but as an actual human being capable of feeling emotions.

Tam whispered a thank you to Keefe, who was so close to him that he didn't need to raise his voice any higher. It sent a shiver down his spine and that was when Keefe's brain stopped functioning, his heart had decided to take over. He was suddenly kissing Tam, having no regrets because he was kissing him back.

Keefe was abruptly brought to his surroundings when Tam's imparted rang, casing the two of them to spring apart, realizing what they had done.

"I'm sorry, it's Linh, I really have to go" Tam was blushing profusely and stuttering, and quickly grabbed his home crystal. "I really like your rainbow hair"

Keefe nodded, not trusting himself to speak quite yet. He was an absolute mess inside, he had actually fallen for Tam Song.

words: 1321

oh my god I wrote the beginning in january and it's may but the wait was definitely worth it, I finally had actual inspiration and I'm really proud of this, it's not perfect, far from it, but it's definitely one of my favourite things I've ever written. I hope quarantine hasn't been driving you all crazy, it sure has me working day and night on school projects.

okay, hope y'all liked this,

- alex :)

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