let's hide from anyone else

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Too many people.

That's what Dex thought as he made his way through the guests. Not a single familiar face in sight, except Biana, who was currently talking to the guests with Tam following her like a lost puppy. Of course, it was her Winnowing Gala so she had to speak to everyone, although they all knew she would choose Tam, after all, they are nearly dating.

Dex couldn't talk to her, as he was trying to avoid people, and if he spoke to her, he would be right in the centre of attention. He made his way to an empty chair next to the food because he figured, if he was going to be there all night, at least he should be well fed.

When he had accepted his fate to sit in that chair for the next few hours, someone made his way over to him. It was another Vacker sibling, dressed in the fanciest clothes he could probably find. (plot twist: it's actually alvar kskskjkjksk)

He sat down next to Dex and began eating one of the snacks he had previously taken from the snack bar.

"What do you want?"

"What do you mean?" Fitz said, turning to him. "I'm just bored, and I saw a finally saw someone I know here, there is a crazy amount of people in this place."

"Do you think it's weird that I'm here? I mean, I don't like your sister, she doesn't like me, and I know all of her friends were invited, but should I really be here?"

"Well, you're here then because you are to save me from boredom. It's a sign. My parents made me come downstairs and meet everyone, but so far, it's been the most boring and useless task. And now here you are, bored as well! We should go upstairs to my room and play games or something."

Dex blinked a few times before he took it all in. Fitz Vacker, was inviting him to go to his room?


They sneaked away from the guests and reached Fitz's room which was two floors up, and Dex was shivering, since he didn't bring anything with him and the house was so big, it was difficult to warm up.

"Are you cold?" Fitz said, as he sat down on his rather large bed, putting on his elegant cape (that matched perfectly with his eyes) back on, since his room was, to put it mildly, freezing.

I nodded, teeth chattering, as he began rummaging through his closet. "My clothes are probably too big for you, but I have these human sweatshirts that might be your size.."

He threw me a weird item of clothing, which was black and had a yellow symbol on it that resembled a 'W'. I put it on, but it was still too big.

"I'm sorry I didn't have anything smaller."

"It's ok," Dex said as he shrunk into the sweatshirt; "it makes me have sweater paws which are really cool."

"You look adorable in that."

He blushed furiously after that comment, mainly because no one except his parents and Edaline had ever called him 'adorable'.

"It's true! I mean, look, with your freckles, and your dimples, and-" Fitz turned bright red when he noticed what he was saying and stopped himself before he let anything else slip.

There was an awkward silence until Dex decided to speak up. "Let's play one of these human games Sophie taught me; it's called Truth or Dare"

"Sure, but how do you play?"

He explained the basic rules and told Fitz that you were only allowed to skip one question or task.

"ok, so, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go downstairs and try to steal a bottle of lushberry juice without anyone noticing, including your parents."

Dex watched from the staircase as Fitz made his way down as carefully as possible. The boy reached the table and looked around to see if anyone was watching him, and when he decided that it was safe, he grabbed a bottle and sprinted back up the stairs.

When he reached his room he threw himself back on the bed, panting, and held the bottle up "I....finally....got it., so....Dex... truth... or dare" he said in between breaths.

"truth, I'm too much of a wimp to choose dare."

"oh so, if you don't like Biana, then who do you like?"

Dex turned bright red again, something he has been doing quite a lot this evening. "Can I, skip this one?"

"sure, so what was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened you?"

The game went on like this for a long time, but both boys were exhausted. Nearly two hours after they had found each other downstairs, they lay on Fitz's bed, looking at the other while talking about absolutely everything. They talked about their favourite classes at Foxfire, how they had met Sophie, opinions on different types of candy and told each other secrets that they hadn't told anyone.

They were so close together that the only thing in between the two boys was a sparkly stuffed dragon called Mr. Snuggles.

"Hey, Fitz?"


"Who do you like?"

Now it was Fitz's turn to blush, and he grabbed Mr. Snuggles and hugged him tightly, trying to gather some courage, but he was a coward, so he went with a more neutral way to tell the other boy.

"Well, the person that I like is incredibly adorable and has cute dimples. He's always nice to others and stays loyal to his friends no matter what."

"Wait, he?"

Fitz didn't know how to respond to that, so he nervously began wringing is fingers, wondering how this conversation would turn out because it could go two very separate ways.

"No, wait, that came out wrong," upon hearing those words, Fitz let out a long sigh of relief. "I like a boy too."

"Do you think it's bad?"

As he gazed into Fitz's eyes, Dex finally thought up an answer. "No, I don't think so, you know? I think it's the same as liking anyone else, and, I'm actually happy like this, I wouldn't trade it."

"It's really nice to have someone to talk about these things finally; I knew you'd understand."

At this point, they had leaned in way too much, and they were so close together that their foreheads were nearly touching. The two boys could already feel the other's breath hitting their skin as they both leaned even closer.

Fitz was freaking out at this point and thought 'screw it' at the same time an unbelievably calm Dex finally voiced his thoughts. "Fitz? I like you-"

Dex was stopped by Fitz's lips, falling upon his own. It was a soft kiss, full of hope and the happiness to find someone exactly like him. When Fitz broke away, their foreheads were still touching, and he smiled.

"I like you too."

word count: 1257

I can't believe I finished this! It was a jumble of ideas that I cane up with yesterday at church (I'm an atheist but my parents force me to go so...) and I wrote the majority of this between 11pm and 1am. It's nearly 8 in the morning now and I'm so glad I finished this. I think that Detz/Fedex/whatever is one of the most adorable ships and I think I ship it the most. I hope you all liked this, bye!


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