amongst rare flowers

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unedited idea mess yay!
it's basically the solinh part of the same situation before (my detz oneshot)

Sophie was currently standing in the Vacker household, not really sure why she was there. Linh was next to her, looking beautiful in a long lilac dress with silver butterflies that matched the silver tips of her dark hair. Both had been invited to Biana's Winnowing Gala because they were her friends, just like Dex, whom she had seen briefly in the crowd for a second, and Keefe, who hadn't shown up at all. Tam was obviously there since he had been by Biana's side all night and Fitz was probably upstairs, which left her alone with Linh.

There were elven men absolutely everywhere, and Sophie was getting sick of it, too much people and not much to do. Linh was obviously feeling overwhelmed and Sophie stayed next to her.

"are you alright?"

Linh frowned, taking a look around the room. She felt the room swaying under her feet and Sophie's voice came from far away. She shook her head and Sophie slid her hand in hers, leading her outside to Everglen's gardens.

The night wasn't very cold and the moon shone in the cloudless night, allowing to lead their way through the confusing maze of paths. They walked until they reached the small greenhouse which contained the rarest species of flowers Della could find. These plants were her joy, and she took care of them relentlessly, with the only hands delicate enough to do the job. But, her hard work had payed off in the end, making the place one of the most famous greenhouses in the Lost Cities, for it contained flowers that were extinct in most parts of the world.

The two girls sat down in one of the benches, sitting silently for a while, admiring the beauty in front of them. Sophie gazed at the fire lilies, poisonous flowers that were really uncommon and an urge to touch it overwhelmed her. As she was about to feel the mesmerizing smooth orange petals, Linh grabbed her hand and yanked her back.

As she fell on top of Linh, Sophie realized what was happening and turned bright red, the same colour of her dress and the flowers she had nearly fallen upon.
"I'm so sorry" she had started apologizing but Linh shushed her and pointed at the buds of a seemingly white flower. "Look, these flowers are finally blooming, they are nocturnal and wow, they are beautiful"

Sophie was a bit distracted and kept looking at the dark haired girl with silver bangs instead of the pale white flowers that they were looking at. The moonlight poured down on everything, making Linh's silver tips shine brightly and bathed the flower's petals in a cold light.

Linh then drew the moisture from the atmosphere and made it rain on the plants. She then sat down as a wave of exhaustion took over her. Her vision was starting to cloud again but Sophie took Linh's hand back in hers and grabbed it tightly while making sure that she was ok. Linh took a few deep breaths and nodded.

"Geesus, you scared me!"

"What's 'geesus'?"

"It's a reference because Gerard Way is Jesus? Savior of the broken, the beaten and the dammned?" Sophie saw the look of bewilderment on Linh's face and decided to give up on teaching her about pop culture. Or is it technically punk culture? Or emo? Nevermind, she wasn't going to delve into this long and useless conversation. "You know what? It doesn't matter."

"Sophie? Will you please tell me more about the human culture?"

After the initial shock that Linh was going to fall unconscious, Sophie was actually having a good time talking to her friend about her human interests while Linh talked about the happy moments of her childhood in return. They talked for hours, gazing at the flowers and the stars that streaked the night sky. Sophie has never been so glad to be away from the Vackers, even though they were practically her second family.

There was one particular flower that matched the shade of Sophie's dress and, feeling remorse for the flower, Linh picked it and gave it to Sophie. It had a thick chocolatey smell and the petals were a really dark red that had rain drops glistening in the light of the warm summer night.

Linh then turned to Sophie and began braiding her hair. When she was finally done, she put the flower in her blonde hair as a finishing touch.

"It's, oh, simply beautiful" Sophie struggled to find words that could explain what she was feeling.

"Chocolate Cosmos. That's the name of the flower. It's actually extinct in the wild although some people rumor it to be common in that region humans call 'Mexico'. It also matches your dress perfectly and the centre is the exact same shade as your eyes."

"Oh then, I should give you this," Sophie stopped to pick up a different type of flower, which was a shade between red and pink (the exact same colour both girls cheeks were at this point) and looked like a rose. "This one is called Middlemist Red. There are actually only two greenhouses in the world you can find these in, without counting this one. I feel like it matches your personality and it brings out the colour in your eyes"

Sophie steppes closer to Linh so she could put the flower in her hair. She pulled back her hair that was as dark as the night around them, since dusk had already fallen, and found herself only an inch from Linh's face.

Unable to contain herself, Sophie leaned even closer and Linh closed the gap between them. The kiss was soft and sweet and both girls smiled when they broke apart. Linh had a red tint to her cheeks and Sophie couldn't help smiling, but something had caught her eye.

She has seen a familiar head in one of the upstairs rooms of Everglen. It was Fitz's room and that head had the same strawberry blonde hair her best friend had.

word count: 1084


but yeah, on another note, the previous oneshot I wrote and this one are connected and I will write the third part soon. Maybe I should just turn this into a short story, I don't know. Well, it's 3 am so goodnight!


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