part 1

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Two years later...

The footsteps of the guard slowly fade away as he moves away from his cell. The fucking asshole took all my cigarettes, little did he know I took his keys. He obviously doesn't know how to deal with pick pockets. This is what happens when guards aren't trained properly, but a stroke of good luck has finally come my way.

Lights out is called throughout the prison. Neal Cassidy glances out the barred window and notices the lack of moonlight. The perfect night for a prison break. He waits about half an hour and quietly unlocks the cell door. Neal takes the stairway down to the laundry room and slips on a guard's uniform. With that on he simply slips out the loading dock and into the woods.

After two years in that hell hole and I'm finally free. With this freedom he has some unfinished business to attend to. Business back in good ol' Storybrooke... or wherever Emma was these days.

The crisp fall air nips at Emma's heels and this causes a shiver to run down her spine. She wraps my cardigan around her tightly. Damn, Killian was right I should've worn a jacket, but no why listen to the weather man and logic. The leaves crunch under her black combat boots. A gust of wind causes her straight blonde hair to fly in face and tangle around her glasses. She pushes it all back, so she can once again see properly. I am going to be late for journalism. She picks up the pace in efforts to stay warm and hopefully get to class on time.

She jogs into class not too late, but not exactly on time. Professor Hood winks at her and continues with his lecture. He is her favorite professor and always pushes her to be better. She pulls out my computer and begins taking notes. When class breaks out and Emma begins to collect her things.

"Emma! Mind staying behind a moment?" Professor Hood calls out to her. Emma slings her bag over her shoulder and walks to his desk. She tucks her blonde strands behind her ear and adjusts her black rimmed glasses.

"Yes, Professor?" she asks.

"I just wanted to compliment you on this last paper. You really dug deep on the subject and added your opinion and backed everything with facts," he says passionately. She cocks her head and furrows her brow.

"Thank you. Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?" She inquires completely confused. He shakes his head.

"No, I was wondering if you would be alright if you would allow me to enter this into a writing contest," he says calmly, "This is really your best work. There is some prize money involved I believe. If you're interested," he says with a smirk. She smiles and sucks in a deep breathe.

"Of course I am interested! Enter it right away. Is there any paperwork I need to fill out?" Emma asks rapidly. He chuckles at her excitability.

"I can handle all that. If I need anything I'll let you know," he smiles.

"Thank you, so much. I can't believe this is happening," She squeals.

"Well when a student of mine has talent I like to recognize it. You definitely have talent. Unfortunately I have a meeting I must go to. We can talk more about this on Wednesday," he says.

"Oh of course! I'll let you get to your meeting. Thank you again," she says as a dash out the door.

"Have a good day!" he shouts after me. This is so great. I can't wait to tell Killian. Emma glances down at my phone. She has one text from Killian. She unlocks my phone.

*Hey babe I had to go to the store to pick up some ingredients for dinner. You'll probably beat me home.*

Emma smiles and pockets her phone. This morning at our apartment, I can't get over saying our apartment. They got it over the summer because they didn't want to go home. Both of them got jobs and went home a couples times over the summer, but they fell in love with the place and didn't want to give it up when school started. Its only three blocks from campus, so its the perfect location.

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