part 3

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With the help from his friends Neal is on the road again. He wanted to leave a couple days ago, but he had to wait out the marshals. Now, Neal found out that Emma and that pathetic excuse of a football player are at Syracuse. That's not too far, but he will have to take back roads looks like he'll be there in one or two days. A couple more days to plan, so he doesn't mind. Neal hopes Emma knows that he is out. He hope she is looking over her shoulder, waiting for his next move. In fact he believes he has her number maybe it's time he begins messing with her...

Six o'clock rolls around and there is a knock at Emma's door. It makes her jump out of her skin. She knows its Belle, but she seems to jump at every little noise. She thinks every noise is him. Every car door slamming, knock, and car horn makes her jump. She wants him to do something, so she at least knows where he is.

Emma goes and opens the door. There Belle is decked out head to toe in Syracuse gear. Her long brunette hair is in a side braid and has blue and orange beads around her neck. She has her school shirt on with blue jeans. She has glitter and face paint on as well.

"Come on. Let's go we wouldn't want to be late," she says as her rich australian accent rings through the tiny apartment. Emma fakes a smile and grabs her purse. With that they head out the door. As they walk towards campus Belle rambles on about something or another she couldn't care less about. Belle grabs her arm and stops them in their tracks. Emma raises an eyebrow at her.

"Now that I have your attention. What the hell is going on with you? I have never had to pick you up for a game. You always have spirit and pep. I mean something is going on," she says concerned. Emma shakes her head and begin to continue on.

"It's really nothing. Come on we don't want to be late," she says with the bravest face she can put on. Belle doesn't budge.

"No, we're not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on," she crosses her arms and plants her feet. Emma sighs.

"Well it can't be said here, so we have to walk and talk," she nods and they begin walking again, "I have a crazy ex."

"A lot of people do. Is he getting between you and Killian?" she inquires. Emma chuckles and shakes her head.

"No, nothing like that. He was in prison and actually escaped like a week ago. It just has us really freaked," she states as they climb the steps into the stadium. Her eyes are wide and she looks like she is trying to form words, but can't. She finally collects herself in order to respond.

"What did he do?" They make their way to their seats. The game has started. Damn they missed kick off.

"Oh that's a long list. Hmm short version he tried to rape me, harassed me, beat me, kidnapped me, and to top it off shot Killian. The reason Killian asked you to pick me up is because the marshals think that Neal will come after me again," She tries to say as casually and quickly as possible.

"Thats horrible. Emma, I am so sorry. I see why you're freaked. Is there anything I can do?"

"Just distract me from all of it. Please," She pleads with a weak smile. She nods and they head down to their seats. They throw ourselves into the game and cheer Killian on. He does well as always. Executing every play with precision and accuracy. He says he doesn't want to do this his whole life, but Emma knows NFL teams are looking at him. Sometimes, as awful as it is, she wishes he didn't play. He's so hard on himself and she wishes she had more time with him. He's studying business and she could see him doing something with that later, but she knows he will want to play football when they leave college.

Of course they win, Emma didn't expect anything else. After lots of cheering and working through the crowd they make it out and wait for Killian outside the stadium. They are chatting about the game when Emma gets a text from an unknown number. She frowns and opens it.

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