part 8

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Previously on Life in the Jolly Roger...

"EMMA! EMMA? Emma, please say something," Killian pleads. Neal reads off the address to this place.

"It was just her leg this time, next time I'll slit her throat. I hope you can get here fast lover boy," Neal smirks and hangs up the phone. He turns to her.

"And now we wait," he says as he walks out of the room once again. Emma sits there wondering if she will ever see Killian again.


Emma can't help but to stare at the knife still in her leg. Blood is slowly seeping into the fabric of her jeans. The blood stain slowly gets bigger and bigger. The door slams and Neal has returned with yet another knife, great. How the hell are we getting out of this? She knows she'll die, but she hopes it's not in front of Killian. He couldn't handle that. Not after everything that happened with Milah. Neal walks up behind her and places a hand on one shoulder and rests the knife on the other.

"Lover boy is almost here, ready to die?" he teases. She holds her tears in. Killian can't see her like this, She just has to suck it up. About a minute later Killian burst through the door. Worry is written across his face. He steps closer and Neal places the knife to her throat. Emma whimpers and Killian stops in his tracks.

"You stay right there," Neal snears.

"What do you want Neal? To kill me? Well go ahead, but let Emma live," Killian holds his arms out wide.

"No, please no. Kill me and leave him," Emma pleads. Neal just chuckles and shakes his head. He removes the knife and walks between the couple.

"You two are both so self sacrificing and it's great in all, but you're both going to get what you want." Emma furrows her brow and Killian holds her gaze, confused as well.

"You're both going to die," He moves back to Emma and cuts the bonds. He forces her to stand and she crumples to the ground. He makes her stand and she has to force all her weight onto one leg. He stands behind her. The knife goes back to her throat, "So, she's first."

This is it. This is my end. Tears are flowing down her cheeks and she never knew Neal would be the end of her, but here they stand at the end of the road. Killian runs for them and the door bursts open. U.S. Marshals have surrounded the three of them. Marshal Whitmore steps forward his gun aimed at Neal.

"Now, we don't want someone getting hurt. Let Emma go and you can come with us," Marshal Whitmore says calmly.

"You don't understand. I'm not going anywhere with you people. I'll just go back to jail," he says and the knife presses a little harder against her throat.

"Well yes, that is my job. That's how this works," he keeps his voice calm.

"I'm not going back there," his voice trembles. He draws a small amount of blood with the knife and shot is heard throughout the warehouse. Emma has no clue as to where the shot came from. The knife clatters to the ground and Neal falls on top of her, dead. Blood trickling from a single hole in his head. Oh god he's dead. He's on top of me. Dead. Oh god. Emma tries to push him off her, but she's too dizzy and weak to get him off of her.

"Get him off of me. Get him OFF. Please someone help me," Emma pleads. Killian shoves him off of her and brings her in his arms. She's uncontrollably sobbing at this point.

"Love, shhh. He's gone. He won't ever bother us again. It's just you and me. It's okay," he moves the hair out of her face. Emma just cries into his shoulder. He picks her up gently when the ambulance arrives. He carries her into the ambulance and holds her hand the whole way to the hospital.

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