Chapter Thirty-Five

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Lord Fitton hired a carriage to take the three of them to Fort Kochi. The horses clopped a steady rhythm across the cobblestone street. Clara watched from the window with amazement as she took in all the influences that shaped this city.

The colorful buildings of the Portuguese, the Dutch sloped clay-tiled roofs, to the now Colonial Georgian style of architecture that reminded her of home. It all melded together to create a truly magical space.

Shops lined the streets and alleys, selling everything a person could possibly want or need. Shoes, clothes, books, furniture, oils. The very air was permeated with pepper or black gold as it is referred to here. From the spice warehouses and markets, the exotic fragrances of the finest ginger, cloves, cardamom, and curry wafted to her in waves carried on the breeze.

Lord Fitton had the carriage make several stops. Now he pulled her into a dress shop. Clara knew this was a defining moment, from this point on she'd be known as Lady Fitton, Benjamin Claremont would be no more.

Clara's eyes feasted upon the most beautiful saris, the colors, the embroidery, the fabric. Each one an individual work of art. She was in love. However, Lord Fitton advised her not to purchase such a garment as the local men and women would find it offensive if she wore it. Though she respected their point of view, she was sorely disappointed.

They were able to find a few simple frocks for traveling and daywear. Since they were off the rack some would need a few alterations but Clara assured Lord Fitton she did not mind. She was quite a capable seamstress.

The dressmaker was quite scandalized to learn Clara was a woman dressed as a man but when Lord Fitton explained that his wife traveled this way by his side as his assistant to keep her virtue safe should they ever be boarded at sea, the woman nodded at the sense of his words.

"I wish I could have something made for you, Clara. Something in blue, it would think to bring out your eyes." Lord Fitton said.

Clara just smiled awkwardly at the notion, before taking a dress to the backroom to change. She came out wearing a simple cotton muslin dress, decorated with metallic thread, with a cotton chemise underneath. The empire waist fit perfectly under her breasts, which were now no longer bound, and from this point the fabric flared out in a light and loose-fitting manner.

Clara shyly did a turn for Lord Fitton who seemed suddenly stunned by her appearance. "Do I look alright?" she asked thinking it odd that she felt almost out of place in these clothes having not worn them for eight months.

Sturgis fidgeted frustrated that he could not see her and when Lord Fitton did not answer Sturgis struck him in the arm, knowing that Lord Fitton stood next to him.

"You are a vision," Lord Fitton suddenly exclaimed and motioned for her to take a seat. He pulled out a box and flipped over the lid to reveal a beautiful pair of leather slippers with a short flared heel and pointed toe.

He gently took her foot and slipped it into the shoe. It was a perfect fit. Clara laughed. "I feel a bit like the Cinder girl from the fairytales."

Lord Fitton smiled, happy she was pleased with his purchase. "You are most definitely our princess," Lord Fitton said looking over to Sturgis who was just quietly standing by with the packages. Each one filled with a new treasure.

Clara stood and walked over to the looking glass and frowned at her appearance.

"What's wrong?" Lord Fitton asked.

Clara ran her fingers through her shortened hair. She tried growing it out slightly in the last few months but still the length was quite short and although it suited Claremont perfectly, it's style looked very much out of place as she took in her appearance, now.

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