Chapter Forty-two

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"Clara! My God! Help, please! She's fainted!" Lord Fitton shouted and took Clara right out of Benjamin's arms before he even had the chance to protest. Aaron stood up with her, holding her close, as two of the students came running to his aid.

"We will take her to the Master, Lord Fitton." They placed her in a wheelchair and rushed her off, Aaron close on their heels until Benjamin stopped him short with a hard grip on his shoulder.

Aaron's heart was filled with panic and fear, which he saw reflected back to him in the look on the Emissary's face, who paled turning an ashen white. "What's wrong with her?" he demanded to know.

"I don't know. I...I am uncertain...I must go." Lord Fitton made a move to follow again but once more he was held in place this time by the grip on his arm. Lord Fitton's exasperation with this man's actions had him boiling and he exploded with anger.

"I understand, sir you are in a hurry to return home but my WIFE needs me now! Surely we can discuss whatever plan you have once I return from discovering what is ailing her! Now for the love of God, unhand me!" Lord Fitton, said ripping his arm from Benjamin's grasp and storming off down the hall after the students.

Benjamin went to follow but the doctor at the door held him in check. "I am sorry, but only patients and practitioners are allowed access to that part of the Center. If you will follow me I will take you to the canteen and you can await Lord Fitton there."

"But I am..." Benjamin ran his hand through his hair and he let out a low growl in frustration, before inhaling sharply. Reason kicked in as he exhaled clearing the fog of anxiety from his mind. He knew his plight was pointless. No one here knew who he was. They believed Lord Fitton to be her true husband.

Benjamin motioned for the man to lead the way not trusting himself to talk just yet. If he made a demand as Clara's husband to see her they would have taken him as a lunatic and most likely escorted him off the premise. At least, if he can keep calm he could remain to discover what has happened to her though he knew he must be to blame.

The shock of seeing him standing there must have caused her reaction. Benjamin sat at one of the tables. The doctor called a worker over who offered him some strong tea. Benjamin wished it was laced with some whiskey or gin, but he imagined in a place like this, it would be the strongest drink they'd have to offer.

"Thank you," Benjamin said with a gracious bow to his head. It would do him no good to act like the enraged bear he felt like on the inside. Sometimes he scares himself how he so easily separates his mind from his emotions, appearing completely calm when all he wished to do was tear this place apart until he found her. Taking her far away from here.

His folded hands were white-knuckled with the tenuous grip he had on the frenzy of emotions that poured through him. Lord Fitton's face sprung to mind. He had such a look of fear and dread. Their marriage was an act, wasn't it? He could not believe Clara would betray him in this way, but could that be the reason behind her reaction to him? Her realizing that she stood now in a room that contained her new husband and her old one?

Benjamin swallowed a gulp of tea, even though it was too hot and burned his mouth he welcomed the pain. He needed so badly to clear his head of these thoughts that were tormenting him. Could it be possible that Clara in her ruse had fallen in love with Lord Fitton? Lord Fitton certainly had the appearance of a true husband, the way he said the word WIFE, echoed in Benjamin's mind. The man managed to fool the hotel owner, and all these people here at the Center, how could Lord Fitton possibly do so if Clara did not comply and in some way, show him affection.

His grip on the cup became so tight that he heard the porcelain crack under the pressure and he put the cup down before the entire contents emptied itself onto his lap. This was agony, but he had no option but to wait.

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