Chapter Forty

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The Black Star maneuvered its way into Cochin Port. The trip took longer than expected. Soon the gangplank would be lowered and Benjamin will have access to land and be able to resume his search for Clara.

Never has he been this close to the possibility of finding her. It caused his body to thrum with nervous energy. Benjamin heard the order to drop anchor and Captain McCullen came up behind him, clapping him on the back.

"So this is it, Benji, you have made it to India. Do you really believe she is here?"

"I know here is where she was headed. I can only hope, here is where I will find her."

"Where do you plan to look first?"

"The Whispering Wind. Hopefully, she is still on board."

"And if not?"

"If not I search the town. I imagine she would still be traveling as Lord Fitton's valet. If I locate him, I will find my Clara."

"You still believe she is undiscovered?" The disbelief clearly showed on McCullen's face.

"I can only go by the last report. Richards still talked of Clara as Claremont the remarkable boy who came aboard their ship. If things have changed I guess I will discover soon enough."

"Right then. I wish you luck, old friend. We will await your return."

"Thank you," Benjamin told him, shaking his hand firmly, before setting off in search of the Whispering Wind.

It did not take long to ascertain where the ship was docked. Quite an impressive vessel painted to look like a frigate of the Crown. He could see how Richards' story of the surrender of the French vessel could hold true. The Whispering Wind was quite deceptive in its appearance.

He hailed one of the sailors on board. "I wish to speak to Commander Redgrave!"

"Yes, sir! May I ask who hails him?"

"I'm the emissary here to collect Lord Fitton, sent from England."

The sailor had a momentary look of confusion. "Lord Fitton, did you say?"

"Yes. Upon his arrival, he should have received notice he was to stay put by order of the Queen until I came to collect him."

"I see. One moment, sir." The sailor disappeared, Benjamin could only guess to clear his meeting with either Captain Redgrave or Lord Fitton. The thought that Clara may be onboard this very moment had him nearly vibrating with excitement. What was taking that man so long to return?!

If Clara was onboard as Claremont he must be very careful not to give her away. Although it would take every ounce of will and determination not to want to crush her to him, he must not expose her ruse.

"Permission to come on board has been granted," the sailor informed him upon his return and the plank was lowered for him to come aboard. Benjamin raced up the plank the moment it touched the ground.

"You're an eager one." The sailor chuckled.

"I've been a long time at sea, and am nearing the end of my journey. Hard not to be excited about that."

The man smiled and nodded in understanding, before leading Benjamin below deck to the Commander's quarters.

He knocked twice as was bid to enter. "The emissary from England, Commander."

Redgrave looked up from his inventory books and rose to greet his guest. "Thank you, Higgins." The sailor nodded, waved Benjamin into the room and shut the door behind him.

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