Chapter Forty-Seven

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Sturgis and Lord Fitton stood as Clara entered the room. She was exquisite in that gown of blue. It was the exact shade Lord Fitton wished he could have had a gown made for her in. Where Lord Fitton couldn't look away, Sturgis couldn't meet her eye.

Benjamin did not care for the look of appreciation Lord Fitton had for his wife, even though Lord Fitton explained their arrangement and that he was of a different persuasion when it came to sex. It still rankled him that Clara wore Lord Fitton's ring and posed as Lord Fitton's wife. They must have made quite a believable couple to have fooled so many. 

Benjamin pulled out the chair between him and Fitton for Clara to be seated. Clara had eyes for only one at this table, and it surprised Benjamin that it was the boy that had her undivided attention. He remembered Sturgis telling him how he did not deserve her. Not that the boy was revealing anything that Benjamin did not already know but he planned on repairing that damage.

"I've taken the liberty of ordering. I hope I did not overstep any boundaries," Lord Fitton said breaking the awkward silence.

"Not at all," Benjamin said, though he spoke the language fluently, he was not familiar enough with the food to make an appropriate choice.

The food had arrived and it was once again a delicious fare of traditional foods that delighted the senses. Such a colorful sight and the tastes ranged from delicate to downright spicy.

"When do you set sail?" Lord Fitton asked.

"Daybreak would be my guess. I've made arrangements for our belonging to be sent ahead of us, so once Clara and I join the Black Star there will be little reason to remain."

"I have sent the letter to the Center as you requested. I'm sure Clara's belongings from the Center have already been sent ahead as well. She has all of my research, not that it will be of much help. It will help the general community but there is little in them that will help the King."

Clara and Sturgis remained silent while Lord Fitton and Benjamin made small talk over his findings at the Center and the postulation if they only had more time a cure might be found but both men knew that hope was futile. 

Clara noticed Sturgis was only toying with his food and he loved everything that Lord Fitton had ordered. She remembered how excited he was the first time they had shared this meal.

"Are you not hungry?" Clara asked Sturgis concerned.

"I've been on a strict diet since entering the Center. I'm not sure I should indulge in such foods," Sturgis answered but he did not look up from his plate. He then pushed his plate away. "I am going to my room. It's going to be an early morning. I've already lost a day of treatment. I do not wish to lose another. If you'll excuse me."

Sturgis stood, placed his napkin on the table, and left the room.

Clara stared after him. She soon stood and threw her napkin down, ready to go after him. Benjamin grabbed her arm, "Where are you going?"

"I must talk to him. I cannot leave things this way between us." Her eyes were pleading for him to let her go. Benjamin felt so conflicted but he released her. The moment she was out of his sight he regretted the decision and stood to go after her.

Only, Lord Fitton stopped him with his words. "You'll do yourself no favors by going after her. Give them a moment," Lord Fitton reasoned. 

Benjamin looked down at Lord Fitton. He was a war with himself. "What hold does he have over her?" All this time he thought Lord Fitton the threat. Never in his wildest did he think some young buck could be a cause for concern.

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