On Closer Inspection...

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I look up to see none other then the person I was hired to kill. Steve had thrown himself at me, tackling me so that our legs were now intangled. I lay on the floor as he pressed his hard, muscled body to mine, his chest covered my face, his shield on his back shielding both of us from harm. Then the explosion went off.

The air was forced out of my lungs as Steve pressed himself tighter into me. The explosion causing our bodies to rock against each other, the sound deafening. My eyes started to water as my vision blurred. I could hear distant sounds but i couldn't bring myself to focus on them. All I felt was a protective body against mine, and it felt safe for a moment, even with the ringing in my ears all I could hear was heavy breathing above my head, and that was the only thing I can focus on. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation.

"Hey, hey," The voice was gentle as if it was talking to a newborn baby. "Hey," Now it sounds desperate. "Hey!" Intense. "HEY!" Woah man chill. I opened my eyes to Steve staring down at me worriedly, His blue eyes observing every line on my face before resting on my own (E/C) eyes. "Are you okay?" He says quietly as if he was scared of the answer. I blinked finally remembering what just happened, quickly I got up, pushing Steve off me. Without bothering to answer his question, I ran towards the entrance and out the door, I tried not to look back, but I did. I saw Steve staring after me, something in his eyes had changed and I'm not sure what. I didn't look away until he did, he forced his eyes away from mine and got back under cover. I hurriedly ran out into the street, where four or five cop cars stood, their guns pointing at the entrance, I stopped in my tracks and raised my hands up.

"It's one of the hostages! Hurry, he might've gotten wounded, get the medic!" One of the nurses standing near an ambulance ran over to me. She wrapped a blanket around me, and I put on a traumatized expression, forcing myself to shiver, acting like the scared hostage as she led me to the ambulance, seating me at the opening of the truck. I drank water, stuttering wth every word, as they checked me for injuries.

"Just a few scrapes and bruises but I think you'll be alright." The nurse said after examining my eye with a light.

"Th-Thank you." I stammered, playing my part. The nurse smiled and patted me on my shoulder. Then she turned to leave. I had to get out of here before the cops started to ask me questions. My plan isn't over yet.

One of the robbers is supposed to take the money bags and sneak out through the back door, while the avengers were busy taking down the shooters. There will be a car waiting for him at the end of the alleyway and it will take him to the abandoned coal factory. There he 'thinks' he will meet me and we'll split the cash, but I'm going to be at the roof, and wait for the avengers to come and arrest him, but before they can do that I'll shoot Captain America with my new sniper. Then hurray, we all go home happy! Me with my money, and everyone else torn at the death of captain America. Hehehe. However I had to get to the factory before the robber, so I can set up my place.

I tip toed to my car, got in and worked the engine. I hit the gas pedal hard, and drove through the streets. I drove until I arrived at the factory in under twenty minutes. By now the robber should be leaving, in his car. I looked at the time on my phone. 11:33 am. The robber will be driving slightly faster then me in his effort to escape the avengers in time, so he will arrive in approximately 15 minutes, at 11:48 am. I got out of my car carrying my bag with my sniper and ammo, and walked to the old building. There were other factories surrounding the coal factory, the robber is going to come in one of the alleyways between the two factories, a good vantage point for that would be the roof of this building, the grey structure stood tall. I entered the factory. The old door squeaked as I opened it, I turned to lock it, so that they won't get in. I quickly made my way towards the stairs, the floor creaking under the pressure. When I made it to the roof, I walked towards the edge. I got my sniper from the bag and set it up so that it was aiming towards the alleyway were the 'meeting' would take place. I made sure it had full bullets. I wore my mask, so that I couldn't be identified, it was black and covered my face and neck. I positioned the scope, then I laid down and looked through it. Perfect.

Now all I had to do was wait for them. I checked my watch, 11:45. The robber should be here any minute now. A large truck pulled up as the person I recognized as the leader of the group of robbers that I hired, got out, carrying three bags of cash. He had a gun on his waist and he looked anxious to get this over with. He walked fast to the alleyway, the crates in the alleyway, making it difficult for him to get past, especially since he was carrying three heavy bags. When he finally made it to the spot, I heard another car moving towards the factory and I safely assumed it was the avengers. I looked towards the car, that was speeding in our direction. The robber hadn't heard them yet, or he would be running right now. The robber instead placed the bags down and sat at a wooden cart, wiping sweat from his brow.

I looked to see iron man and Thor flying in the air, they descended to earth once they saw the leaders car. They were saying something but I couldn't make out what. The car stopped next to the factory as well. Captain America, Hawkeye and black widow jumped out of the car, seeming to complain about something. I looked towards the robber. He was blissfully unaware of the avengers just a few yards away from him. Everyone of the avengers seem to split up and start to look for the robber. Captain America and Black widow, walked towards the alleyway. The robber saw them and jumped off the catt, panic clear on his face as he ran the other direction.

"Oh no you don't." I heard Steve say as he ran after him, he made it to him quickly, tackling him to the ground. Black widow came up behind him and helped handcuff the criminal. This is my chance, I thought. I aimed my sniper at Steve Rogers. My eye looking through the scope. Hawkeye, Thor and Iron Man walked into the alleyway, after black widow radioed them. I kept my eyes on my target. He has let his guard down, now that he captured the criminal mastermind, or who he thinks is the criminal mastermind. The red dot clearly on his head now, I put my finger on the trigger. Steve was completely unaware that he was about to take his last breath, he just smiled and conversed with his partners. Little did he know. I was ready to pull the trigger, when a memory of a hard body pressed against mine stopped me. I quickly shook my head, I shouldn't be thinking about that, I have to get this job done, or my client will be very displeased.

My heart sped up and I was hesitating since when did I hesitate, this was my freaking job. I watched him laugh through my scope, and for once I regretted taking up this assignment. Shit, come on get a grip, don't chicken out now. I held my breath, as my resolve strengthened, come on you can do this, it's not like he saved your life back there, you were about to throw the grenade back and you would've been just fine. Except he threw himself in front of you, to protect you, risking his own life in the process. As soon as the thought passed my head, I pushed it to the very back of my mind. I flexed my finger, placing it on the trigger, I pulled, releasing the shot.

Just Another Assignment- Steve Rogers x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now