Mission Failed

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Steve bent down at just the right time, another second and the bullet would've been engraved into his brain. The bullet had bounced off the shield and I hated the relief that it brought me. Now they were alert, they all looked towards me, I aimed my sniper at Captain America once again, he quickly ducked behind a crate and so did the other avengers. It was too late now, I can't kill him.

Shit, I got up packing my sniper into my bag, let's at least take out the robber so he doesn't talk, I got out my gun and was about to shoot the robber on the floor, as he struggled to get away. But before I could pull the trigger, I felt something hard and metal pierce my flesh. I cried out in pain and fell to my knees. I looked to my shoulder, an arrow was latched onto me, the fresh blood oozed out, I grasped at the arrow, trying in vein to pull it out, it hurt even more when I moved it. My vision blurred, shit shit shit, this is NOT happening.

I stumbled back, away from anymore potential shots. I started to crawl on my knees towards the door that leads downstairs. My left arm refused to move, the pain seeping through my very bones. Every movement sent a jolt of pain through my body and I groaned as I reached the door. Using it to stand up, I leaned on it.

My body was growing weak due to the blood loss, I was panting hard for breath, my lungs ached with every breath I took. Crap! I'm not dying here! I turned the door knob and made my way down the stairs. It was becoming difficult to walk. Every step became heavier and required more strength then the last. I stumbled down the stairs. I had no doubt that the avengers were waiting for me at the end of the stairs. When I got down there after what seemed to be hours I got out my gun, preparing for a fight. However, there was no one around, I was confused. I was drenched in sweat now my muscles begging me to take a break, but my brain knew better. I made my way to the door but before I could open it, I felt someone grab my arms, pushing me up against the door, as they tried to tie me up. I quickly fought and resisted the strong hands.

"Stop....resisting." The voice said behind me, and I quickly recognized it as Hawkeye's. All the strength disappeared from my body and I slouched onto the door. "That's it," was all heard before I passed out.


I woke up as soon as I felt a slap on my masked face. I looked up to see black widow. "Look who's finally awake." She said before patting me not so lightly on the cheek. "Guys he's awake!" I took that chance to take in my surroundings. I was tied to a chair facing a very large room with a master bed and an amazing decor. There was a dull ache that emitted from my shoulder, I looked down to see myself shirtless, my shoulder now bandaged. Looking out to the source of light, I saw the balcony just outside the glass doors, and I immediately recognized it as Tony Starks tower. Shit I'm in some deep shit now. I looked back at black widow as she sat on the bed. Hawkeye, Thor, Steve Rogers, and Tony Stark walked in through the door, they looked towards me and I narrowed my eyes at them. After them walked in a normal looking fella, wearing glasses and a doctors coat, or is it a scientists? I don't know.

"Who's this?" The scientist? Doctor? Asked.

"He's the guy that tried to kill Steve here." Tony Stark said patting Steve on the shoulder. "It's a good thing I was there." He continues winking at Steve. "You're welcome."

Hawkeye rolls his eyes. "Let's see who the mystery man is."

"Oh yeah, sure lets do that." Iron man says stepping away from Steve and towards me. He reached for my mask and pulled it off. I heard a gasp that I was sure was from Steve.

"What is it Captain? Do you know him?" Iron man says looking at Steve with confusion.

"Yes," Steve breathes. "It can't be, but you were-"

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