Why me?

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A few days in this rusty, stuffy cell, and I was more then ready to leave. A doctor would come in and inspect my injury, I should've taken the chance and gotten out, but I wouldn't get far in my condition. The bland food made me want to barf, but if I didn't eat I wouldn't be strong enough to escape. I was sitting down on the stiff bed and staring at the officer seated at the desk, writing something in a book.

"So, officer," the police man acted like he didn't hear me. "Hey I'm talking to you."

The bald man look up, his blue eyes narrowing at me. "What?" He asks, dropping his pencil.

"What're the charges against me?" I say standing up and leaning against the bars.

"Attempted murder, conspiracy, and so on." He turns back to his book, picking up his pencil again.

"Son of a bitch!" I slam my fist against the bars. The phone on the desk rings.

"Yes?" The uniformed man asks. After a couple nods he places the phone down. "You have a visitor."

Groaning I let my heads rest against a bar. "If it's any of the avengers I don't want to see them." The officer just grins and gets up to open the door. In walks Hawkeye, looking all serious as he usually does.

"Hey, y/n."

I groan again, "what do you want?"

"I'm here to help you, officer would you give us some privacy?" The officer turns to leave.

"I find that very hard to believe," I say as I walk back to my uncomfortable bed.

"I gave you my word, that I wouldn't turn you in and that you would get your money."

Scoffing, I take a seat. "Oh? Well it seems you already did," I indicate to the walls and bars jailing me.

"Well, we have managed to make your confession, disappear."

I jolt up at the statement. "What?" Trying to see if he was lying.

"We have made you look innocent, we cut out the part where you confess, and our story is that, you wanted to help us capture this drug lord, when you found out he was coming to the party, you called us right away, and tried to distract him long enough for us to capture him and his minions."

I look at the man, stunned. "And why on earth would you do that?"

"Oh, I wasn't going to, I was going to leave you here to rot, for being the disgusting murderer that you are, but as Steve showed us his research on the people you had previously killed, they looked to be innocent, but Steve found that they had killed, raped, and kidnapped, in order to get their money, and then they used that money to cover their tracks."

"Then how did you find that dirt on them?"

"Easy, from your computer, seems you are a little hacker, you never killed anyone that was completely innocent, you did your research first before agreeing, making sure they were actually bad people, and that I respect, I don't agree with the way you carried out their punishments, but I do respect you, and so with Steve's help, you are now innocent."

"I-, wow, this is-, wait you're not bullshitting right now are you?"

"No I am not." He pulls a set of keys from his pocket and unlocks my cell.


"Hey, big bro!" Annie exclaimed excitedly when she saw me. She looks skinnier, and paler, yet how can she still smile so big? Her blonde hair was spread out on the high pillow, that smile reached her big brown eyes, she was beautiful as usual.

Just Another Assignment- Steve Rogers x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now