Hair Cut

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Connor had some what made up with his family. His boyfriend, Evan Hansen, had talked him into going back to see his therapist. Connor was working on watching his anger around his family, which made him suffer through many things with a smile when he would usually snap at his mom and go home to smoke. But overall, he would always rue the day his mother made him get a haircut.

Connor honestly didn't mind it, but when he wore his glasses he looked like one of those Newsies kids from the play Zoe was in a while back. What's worse, Evan loved Connor's long hair. He loved twirling it, braiding it, putting it in a bun, pulling on it when they were doing certain pg13 activities. He loved everything about Connor's hair.

What would Evan say now? Would this be enough for him to leave Connor? Was he too ugly for Evan now?

Connor shook his head clear of those thoughts as he walked across town to Evan's house since Zoe needed the car to go see Alana. His hands fiddled and wrapped nervously around themselves.

Just cause my mom thinks I'm a "handsome young man" doesn't mean Evan will?

Connor passed a bush with pretty purple flowers. He grabbed one as he walked near it, and pushed his glasses further up his nose. God he looked like a nerd. He didn't even consider wearing a hoodie in his 80 degree weather to cover up his hair with his hood.

Soon enough Connor had reached Evan's door. He hesitated knocking, hovering his hand over the door.

Should he? What if he just left? Maybe-

Connor's hand fell forward and knocked against his own will. He pulled his hand back when he heard shuffling inside. He stepped back and checked to see if Heidi was home. She wasn't. Connor held tight to the stem of the flower with one hand and fiddled with the hem of his blue t shirt with the other. The noise seemed to stumble down the stairs before the door swung open. Connor was met with a smiling Evan, but the smile froze and turned into shock. Dread began to take over Connor.

"I-I know it's awful. My mom made me cut it and I don't know. I kinda like it but if you hate it I can go. Just... I brought you this," Connor shoved the flower into Evan's hands. "I'll go-" the tall boy pushed up his glasses and turned to leave, but a hand grabbed his and pulled him back. Evan gently pulled Connor close to him, carefully surveying his new cut. He reached up and ran his fingers through Connor's hair with a grin while the tall boy looked at Evan lovingly.

"I like it. You look like one of those newsies boys in Zoe's play." Connor chuckled.

"That's exactly what I said." Connor leaned down and kissed Evan with a smile. The shorter boy dropped the now forgotten flower wrapped his arms around Connor's neck as he wrapped his arms around Evan's waist, pulling the two as close as possible. Evan reached back and opened the door and led them inside as the Connor began kissing more passionately. The door slammed shut behind them, leaving a nice, quiet, empty house for the two.

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