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"I swear to God that I wasn't really going to do it," I cried as Dr. Grant skimmed his eyes over the delicate cursive on the fake note. Harry crossed his arms and stared at me with pure disappointment.

"Why would you even write this?" Louis asked as Dr. Grant passed him the paper.

"It-it was part of a plan. I just wanted to start my life over, you know? I was going to sneak out and leave the note and no one would ever question it. Everyone would assume I left peacefully and then go on with their lives," I explained as I wiped away a few escaped tears.

"Jordie," Dr. Grant sighed, "You do realize that you're now in the suicidal tendencies group and we'll have to move you to the third floor."

"But I'm not suicidal!"

Louis coughed and waved the note in his hands, giving me a sympathetic smile. I shook my head and groaned.

"I told you I wasn't going to do anything!" I yelled. Dr. Grant held a finger to his lips and shushed me.

"I know, but this could start a bad pattern, and we need to make sure you don't leave. Does that make sense?" he asked. I shrugged and sniffled, wiping my runny nose on my sweatshirt sleeve.

"Harry and Louis will take you to your new room, where a roommate is mandatory," Dr. Grant informed me with a soft, comforting tone. I nodded and stood up, following the two boys out. Michael was waiting on a lavender love seat, and stood up anxiously when I walked out of the door.

"Well?" he questioned as we walked upstairs.

"Apparently I'm suicidal," I whispered and maneuvered my hands into the large pocket on the front of my shirt.

"What? No you're not," he said as I watched Harry grab Louis' hand.

"Ask the shrink."

"Jordieeeee," he whined.

"I have to get a new room so they can make sure I don't off myself. Isn't that cool? I'm so excited to be stuck in a room with a girl that's just like me," I exclaimed sarcastically.

"It's late, Mike. I think Jordie needs a little break, okay? She's had a long day. You guys can talk tomorrow," Harry said as he opened the door to the "special wing" that housed my new room. Michael frowned and watched me disappear into the dimly lit hallway. They walked me to the end and simply opened the door, as it did not have a lock. A wild looking girl with bright blue hair whipped around and grimaced at us.

"Who is this? You moved Theresa for this chick?" she questioned angrily.

"Rileigh, Theresa was discharged. She's at home now," Louis sighed. I waved gingerly and she tossed her hair over her shoulder before turning back around.

"Goodnight, girls," Harry said and closed the door, leaving me with the girl that was probably suffering from PMS.

"Hi, I'm Jordie," I mumbled shyly as I walked to the bare part of the room, which I figured was mine. The rooms were much larger than the normal ones, except they didn't have ceiling fans and the windows were unable to be opened.

"Rileigh," she stated without much interest.

"It's ni-"

"Listen, Georgie."

"It's Jordie," I interjected meekly.

"Whatever, I figure you deserve a fair warning about this place. After 9 PM, the hallway door is locked on the outside and set with an alarm, meaning no one can come in from out there, and we can't leave or the docs will know. Each morning they have room checks, you know, to make sure you don't have anything you can kill yourself with. If they find something on you, I could get dragged into it too. So please don't slit your wrists or anything. I'd like to get out of here as quickly as possible," she rambled loudly. I rubbed my wrists subconsciously and frowned, longing for Michael or Amy. She pulled her electric hair up into a ponytail and climbed into her bed, wishing me a goodnight before shutting off the light.


At 8 in the morning a woman walked into my room and started rummaging in the closet and under the beds. Rileigh groaned and pulled her blanket over her head. I stared at the popcorn textured ceiling, something I had been doing for the last 10 hours. The woman pulled a thing of pills out from under Rileigh's bed and sucked her teeth, making the brutal girl get out of her bed and leave the room. I sighed and turned over to face the wall. A voice calling my name startled me and I jumped up, but there was no one there.

"Jordie? It's me, Michael. You've got this fancy intercom thing, and you have to buzz me in or something," he laughed happily. I looked at the nightstand and saw a box with wires running into the wall, and a red button was flashing, so I pressed it.

"Yay, thanks. I'll see you in a second," he said before the box made a clicking sound and the light stopped flashing. I rubbed my eyes until I saw stars and flopped back onto my pillow. The door opened and Michael walked in with a plate of French toast and bacon.

"You brought me breakfast?" I asked as I sat up again.

"Pfffft. No. It's for me," he scoffed as he climbed gracefully onto my squishy bed to make sure the food didn't slide off of the plate.


"I'm kidding, babe. Of course I brought you food. That's what good boyfriends do," he said proudly, and I grinned as I picked up a piece of bacon.

"I'm sorry they wouldn't let you stay with me last night," I whispered as I chewed.

"Hey, it's okay. I understand."

"You're the best," I said and smiled.

We finished off the food and then I went to take a shower and brush my teeth. He said he would just hang out and play on his phone. Rileigh was in the bathroom when I got there, her face red and tear stained. She was sitting on a wooden bench between two of the shower stalls, and her lip was quivering.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and her eyes darted up to my face.

"What? Yes, I'm fine. Christ, you're so nosy," she snapped as she pulled off her towel and shamelessly got dressed.

"Um, there's a boy in our room. I thought I would warn you. He's nice. I promise," I mumbled sheepishly.

"I knew you were a slut," she muttered.

"Uh, excuse me?"

"Shut up. I'm not going back to your room anyway. I asked to be moved. They're bringing in a new girl. Bye."

I watched her storm out of the bathroom, and then a few girls sighed with relief and stuck their heads out of the shower. I recognized one of them, a frequent problem causer, but she was still sweet.

"Don't take her words too seriously," one said with a thick southern drawl. I smiled and went to take a quick shower, and then I brushed my teeth, and then I went back to my room. Michael was still there, fiddling with the box on the nightstand.


He turned and smiled at me, taking in my appearance. His eyes lingered on my tank top and I crossed my arms over my chest in discomfort. He then stepped towards me and attached his lips to mine, moving my hands away so he could press his body against mine, even though my skin was still a little bit wet and my hair was soaked.

"Michael," I breathed after I pulled away. He pressed his lips to my neck and nipped at the soft skin, and I accidentally let a small whimper slip out, which surprised me.

"Only if you want to," he mumbled between sloppy neck kisses.

"I do. I do."


(((p.s lol there's no one in her room bc RILEIGH left and they haven't brought in another girl so yes they did the deed bye)))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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