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"You know, I thought we'd get a break from the stress of school," Luke whispered quietly. I watched as his pencil traced the math problems, but he never actually wrote anything down.

"Why would you expect that?" I questioned as I scribbled my name on the top of the paper.

"I don't know."

I giggled and kicked his leg under the table. He squeaked and kicked me back.

"That was so manly," I gushed sarcastically.

"That reminds me, I had a really weird dream last night," he said, his blue eyes opening wide.

"What? What was it about."

"I don't know, I can't really remember. But there was lots of sand."

"Beach maybe?" I suggested, forgetting about the paper in front of me.

"Maybe," he shrugged, "2,839."


"And lean into the Downward-Facing Dog," the yoga teacher instructed, and I accidentally let a chuckle slip past my lips.

"Miss Perch, do we really need to talk about this... again?" she asked, her voice full of disappointment.

"No, Mrs. Kenway," I sighed, straightening my back into the desired stance.

"Thank you, now hold the Downward-Facing Dog."

I laughed, again, and Mrs. Kenway scowled.

"I'm serious, Jordie. I will eject you from this class if you do not straighten up."

"I'm sorry."

I could hear the silent cries of my muscles, begging me to stop being physical, and to go play video games instead.

"Hush," I mumbled, and Mrs. Kenway turned to me.

"Are you speaking to me?"

"No. I'm speaking to my muscles. They want me to go see if Ratonhnhaké:ton is okay."

"Who?" Kenway questioned.

"Ratonhnhaké:ton," a blonde said, "I got that reference." I gave her one thumb up as Kenway stared in confusion.

"I wonder if she's related to him," I giggled to the blonde. It took her a moment to process what I said, but when she did, she laughed loudly.

"Jordie, are you done?"

"No, probably not."

"Would you like to leave."


I picked up my back pack and left the room, pulling on a football jersey to cover my sport bra. The Xbox was calling me as I made my way toward the shared common room. Considering I got to play video games a lot here, I was actually starting to enjoy rehab, as crazy as that sounds. I smiled when I saw a familiar green headed boy lounging on the couch with a controller in his hands.

"Hey, you up for some multiplayer?" I asked, smiling as he jumped and turned his head around.

"Yeah, sure. You play Creed?" Michael asked as I climbed over the back of the couch.

"Yes. Christ, it's so good. I'm, like, in love with Edward."

"Of course you are," he said with an eye roll.

"Don't be rude," I scolded, grabbing a controller sitting on the couch.

"I wasn't being rude."

"You sounded rude."

"I was joking."

"He is really cute for a video game character, though."

"Luke would know," he breathed quickly.


"Nothing, I didn't say anything."


A few hours later, Michael and I had migrated to my room with a bag of chips and a jar of salsa.

"And then, as I was pressing my balls up against the glass, her parents turned on the light and they were staring at me. I wanted to die, and cry," Michael choked out, laughing so hard he was almost crying.

"Why would you even do that?" I asked, wiping my watery eyes.

"I got $20," he said in defense.

"Oh, because $20 makes it okay to show your junk to some girl's parents."

"It does! I bought an album with that money, thank you very much."

I laughed and tossed a tortilla chip at him, which he quickly ate.

"Hey, so about this morning, when you called me, what was up?" I asked, dipping a chip into the salsa as I waited for his answer.

"Don't worry about it, it's not important," he assured me.

"But I want to know."

"I don't care, Jordan. I'm not telling you."

"Michael... what are you here for?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yeah, I do. You know why I'm here," I pointed out.

"I, Michael Clifford, have ICD. Are you happy now? I like to set things on fire and have sexual relations."

"You're a pyromaniac?" I asked.

"Did you not hear the part about sex or are you choosing to ignore it?"

"I heard it, and we'll talk about that next. But do you have pyromania?"

"Yeah, I guess," he said with a shrug.

"Please don't set me on fire."

"Don't even say that. That's not funny."

"I wasn't joking."

"Whatever," he scoffed.


"Can we not talk about this? It's embarrassing."

"Michael, I've done acid," I admitted. He smirked as I readjusted my pillow.

"I knew it."

"Hey! I'm offended!" I said with giggle.

"You're my little druggie," he cooed sarcastically.

"Your's? Please," I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"You know what's weird? We've been here a few days and you and Luke are already better than any friends I've had," Michael said, looking down at his hands.

"Those aren't true friends."

"No, they aren't."

"I'm not one either, though."

"Yet," he said.

"Yet," I repeated.


Ratonhnhaké:ton girl and I sat next to each other, discussing Ratonhnhaké:ton things while eating our sunny side up eggs.

"Haytham was ugh," she huffed.

"I know! But isn't Edward a cutie? Michael disagrees," I said, smiling up at Michael (who was sitting across from us).

"Yes, yes, yes, like, he could-"

"Please, don't," Michael interrupted. I flashed him a grin as Amy (Ratonhnhaké:ton girl) blushed.

"Soz!" she squealed before scurrying away with her empty plate.

"Did she just say soz?" Michael asked.

"She just said soz."

"Morning, losers," Luke barked as he set his plate down on the table.

"Good morning, Lukey," I giggled.

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