Deal with the Devil

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It was almost time for stage two of her plan. Akai was going to use her Mangekyo on Haku and Zabuza to ensure their...loyalty to her and her alone. Maybe.

She'd prefer not to waste her chakra but if it was necessary she'd have to use it.

These two were very valuable as pawns and could not be lost.

After all they could play a crucial role in her plan. Yes a very crucial role...

Here she was hanging out with Sakura as she was dragged across the town so they could have... 'girl talk'.

"Sasuke is like sooooo cool! He's so dreamy and he does everything perfectly! He's like the epitome of perfection and-!"

Akai couldn't take much more. Why wouldn't Sakura just shut up?

"What's his favorite colour?" Akai asked with a smirk, "his mother's name? Or father? Does he have any siblings? What does he hate the most? His preferred weapon?"

"Um I don't-!"

"Shut up." Akai smiled, "you're starting to get really annoying. Stop wasting your breath and stop wasting space."

Akai flipped her long red hair-hitting Sakura in the process.

"You think he likes long hair? How about a competent kunoichi?" She continued harshly.

Sakura felt like she was being stabbed...good.

"Stop being useless." Hissed Akai, "And if you truly want Sasuke then get better to be worth his time. Toodles!"

And Akai walked away. Honestly! What a waste of time.

"How the hell did you-?!" Zabuza growled as Akai stared at him steadily. He was in no condition to fight, if he did he knew he'd lose.

"Oh? Your little pet isn't here is he?" Hummed Akai as she completely ignored Zabuza's shocked remarks.

"Are you even listening to me brat?"

"Stop working for Gato. I can offer you so much more." She said bluntly getting to the point.

"Hah! You think Konoha can easily sway me like-!"

"Who said anything about this being Konoha's offer?" Akai interrupted smoothly, "I'm here on my own accord. No village controls me."

Zabuza was taken back but he certainly didn't show it.

"You're really something else brat. What's your name?"

Akai smirked. Time for the real introduction.

"My name is Uchiha Akai and my goal is to serve no village, only myself and do only what I please. My ambition is to be the world's greatest information broker," She said calmly, "and be the one to pull the strings behind every single Kage...I want to become so valued and needed that entire villages will cease to exist without me."

"I asked for your name. Not your entire goddamn life story." Zabuza snorted. "What does this have to do with me? And Uchiha? With that hair?"

"I simply need someone reliable." Smirked Akai as her eyes blazed crimson, "loyal and competent. You seem like the man for the job."

The swordsman decided to humour the girl. She was a Uchiha after all.

Zabuza smirked, "I like the way you think but what's in it for me?"

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