Hold Me Back

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Akai followed the faint chakra signatures of her teammates...and Kabuto. She knew that they had been tremendously weakened and her absence may not have been appreciated. Then again, she was a traitor wasn't she?

She leaped from tree to tree until she landed in front of the group.

"What did I miss? I failed to find any scrolls but..." she trailed off innocently.

Sakura gave her a scowl crossed with a relieved look.

"Akai we were attacked. Where the fucking hell were you?" Sasuke hissed weakly as he forced himself to look her in the eyes.

"I got caught up in my own mess..." Akai replied while narrowing her eyes, "Is that a cursed mark?"

"You know what is it?" Sakura blinked suspiciously.

"I've read about them." She brushed her off, "we need to get that sealed away immediately or else...well, I'll leave you to imagine it."

Naruto grinned determinedly, "Don't worry about it. We'll make it."

Kabuto made eye contact with Akai and nodded slightly.

The plan was in motion.

Now was the preliminary part of the exam where Akai could begin her debut to fame.

She watched in boredom as Sasuke struggled with his cursed mark, chakra drainage and Naruto's taunts while fighting against Yoroi.

This was a waste of time.

Akai didn't care for anything except the next stage of her dream.

It was no surprise when Sasuke won, in fact she was simply waiting for it to happen. A smirk crept up onto her face when the next names were called out.

"Akai vs Muzo Kusakane!"

A no name background character? Thought Akai in amusement, this is a little disappointing. How am i supposed to show my talent with a no name?

She came face to face with her opponent. Muzo seemed to hail from Konohagakure just like her, hence the leaf headband.

A shame...

He'd simply have to die.


Akai got straight to work. She didn't need her sharingan to cast a genjutsu.

And the thing was it did absolutely nothing to her opponents vision, only perception.

"WHOO!!! GO AKAI!" Naruto cheered.

Akai swiftly dodged her opponent's futile attacks. It was like a dance. She'd twirl around Muzo like an autumn leaf twirling onto the ground. She was toying with him.

She discreetly casted yet another genjutsu. Who would have thought of layering illusions? Surely not Muzo.

She was playing with him like a predator toying with its prey. A dragon 🐉 surrounding its meal.

She's too fast!! Muzo thought in fear, h-how?

The genjutsu made it seem like Akai was much faster. It slowed Muzo's reaction time and amplified pain.

Akai punched Muzo in the jaw lightly just to test to see how well the genjutsu was working.

To Muzo, Akai packed quite a punch.

"Uo Tsuba!" Muzo cried out as he spat out a stream of water at Akai.

Akai scoffed. What the heck was that? Fish spit? Well, at least she knew that Muzo was a water user.

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