The Siege

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Sasuke was still trapped in the genjutsu. Tears streaming down his unconscious face as he continued to live in his dream. The real Akai scoffed.

How emotional. She mocked as she glanced at him.

She rolled up-a previously prepared- scroll with a smirk and glanced around to make sure no one was watching. She handed the scroll to the small messenger bird with a soft smile.

"Say hello to Momochi-san and Yuki-san for me." She whispered as the bird took flight. Suddenly, Sasuke woke up with a gasp and Akai plastered a smile on her face.

"Sasuke...nii-sama." She trailed off mentally gagging as Sasuke squinted at her blue eyes.

"Please...let me see them."

Immediately, Akai understood the vague request. Sighing, she complied and activated her sharingan. Sasuke found himself smiling, then mentally questioning where the heck was he? This wasn't the arena.

"Are you sure?" Akai whispered softly, "that you want to defect with me? You could stay here..."

Playing devils advocate...

She needed to know if Sasuke was a reliable piece or not.

He was.

"I'm sure." He said with a determined nod. "This place...won't make m-er us any stronger."

Akai smirked, "Quite true. We make ourselves stronger." She twirled a kunai on her finger. "Tell you still remember the way to Inari, Tazuna and Tsunami's home?"

Sasuke nodded. "Of course."

"I want you to meet me there." Akai told him firmly, "tell them you were sent on a mission. I'm sure they'll be glad to have you... I'll stay here and cover for you then meet you there."

"When do I leave?" Sasuke asked with a smirk.

"Now." Akai grinned as she pointed behind Sasuke. The pair were right at Konoha's gates.

Sasuke gulped at the sight. Several Chunin and jonin ninja lay unconscious on the ground.

"What did you...when did...?"

"Sleeping potion." Akai said casually, "they'll wake up eventually." If they don't get murdered during the invasion.

Sasuke nodded hesitantly then smiled, "You...were planning this from the beginning weren't you?"

Akai said nothing. She merely waved goodbye as she ran back towards the arena.


The clone version of her was waiting by the entrance of the arena. The two red heads exchanged smirks.

"How was it?" Akai asked her double who merely grinned in response.

"If Hollywood existed here then we'd be the greatest actress." The clone smirked before dispersing.

Akai bit the inside of her mouth as her shadow clone's memories came rushing in along with some excess chakra. The circumstances weren't exactly ideal...but she'd have to work with it. This time, Naruto would be facing Gaara not Sasuke.

Akai decided that she'd stop that match before it happened. She created another clone of herself and sent it back to the Rookie 9. In the mean time...she'd get ready.


The Kazekage smirked as 'Akai' returned and joined the spectators. Turning to Sarutobi Hiruzen he whispered, "This match...the Uzumaki with our Gaara. Shouldn't we give them some time to prepare? Forgive me, I do not wish to offend but...the Uzumaki-!"

"Needs some time?" Offered Sarutobi with a sigh, "That's generous of you Lord Kazekage."

"Oh, I'm not being generous." The Kazekage laughed softly, "I also wish to speak with my Gaara before the warn him not to be too extreme."

"Very well..." Sarutobi sighed-also considering Naruto's wellbeing- as the Kazekage stood up, "The next match will begin in ten minutes!"


"Sneaking around My Lord?" Akai smirked at the Kazekage, "or should I say Orochimaru."

The Kazekage grinned, "Are you ready Akai?"

The Uchiha rolled her eyes, "Let's set this place ablaze."

Wordlessly, Akai performed the transformation jutsu to impersonate the Kazekage. Now bearing the guise of the dead man she smirked.

"Good luck with Danzo." She told the snake.

"And you with sensei." Orochimaru nodded in return. Then, a smirk graced his pale reptilian like features. "Careful with that jutsu. You only just learned it."

Akai waved the snake off.

"I'll be fine."


The 'Kazekage' returned to his seat.

"Shall we?" Akai asked the Hokage I'm the Kazekage's voice.

The Hokage smiled and guilt bubbled up in Akai.


Gaara and Naruto stepped in the arena. Sakura's cheers echoed through the stadium prompting Naruto to grin and give a thumbs up.

"Naruto Uzumaki vs Gaara! Start!"

Akai's eyes darted from the match to Hiruzen and back at the match again. Then, she eyed Kabuto who made eye contact with her and they both nodded.

Suddenly, feathers began falling from the sky as a genjutsu was casted onto the crowd. Akai smirked. Swiftly, she positioned herself behind Hiruzen and placed a kunai on his neck.

"Are you trying to break peace Lord Kazekage!?" Sarutobi warned dangerously as anbu surrounded the pair.

"Don't move anbu!" Akai warned. Blood dripping from Hiruzen's neck, "or the Hokage is as good as dead! Now...back away!" Reluctantly, the anbu did as told and backed away.

The siege had begun.

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