Conflicting Thoughts

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When Akai returned to the audience stands to rejoin with her team everyone turned to stare at her. They either turned to stare at her or turned away to ignore her.

She didn't really care. They were all fools for not doing the same. This was a chance to show everything they had to prove they deserved to be Chunin.

Akai did admit that it was mildly disheartening to be treated like a monster. She understood thought...she killed someone after all.

"Akai! Over here!" A voice called much to her surprise.

Her eyes widened as Naruto along with her teammates beckoned her over.

Hesitantly she approached them with a short bow of acknowledgement.

They could see the strained composure she had put on.

"It's alright." Naruto in a whisper much to her surprise, "Let's not talk about that okay?"

Akai nodded slowly, "Right..."

And so they watched the rest of the exams. Strangely enough, Akai found herself cheering for her own teammates. Albeit mentally.

After the whole event she found herself walking back home. She contemplated her choices. She was going to defect, there was no question about it. But Akai confessed it wouldn't be as easy as she thought.

Mid way home she decided to wander a little more and found herself wandering towards the village gates. In a month she'd be passing these and on her way to freedom.

She took a step forward towards the gate.

"I wouldn't go much further if I were you." A voice called.

Akai spun around to come face to face with Jiraiya of the Sannin.

"Jiraiya-sama?" Akai tilted her head.

"HAHA! So you do know of me!" He boomed happily before sighing, "So tell me why a pretty young lady like you is so close to the gate?"

Akai sighed and lowered her head.

"I don't know what you're talking about Jiraiya-sama." Akai said smoothly, "I was simply taking a walk."

"Right out of the village?" Jiraiya raised a brow. He wasn't that stupid.

Akai raised her head and smirked as she walked towards Jiraiya, "And what if I was? Would you kill me? Stop me?"

Jiraiya shook his head. "I don't kill people who don't know who they are. And yeah, I'd probably stop you."

Akai stopped walking. Her hair hung over her face and hid her eyes.

"I see... and what do you mean?"

Her fists trembled slightly at the accusation.

"You have no clue who you are." Jiraiya repeated.

"Oh? And you know who I am?"

She was honestly tired of people assuming they knew her.

"Uchiha Akai." Jiraiya started off, "also known as the Bloody Dragon of Konohagakure..."

"Hmph. So you don't really know who I am." Akai said as her eyes flashed red.

"I think I know better than you at least." Smiled Jiraiya as he crossed his arms, "You don't know what your dream is do you? I can tell by the look in your eyes."

"I know who I am." Akai told him confidently, or so she believed. "I know my story..."

"Really? Then tell me." Jiraiya grinned, "Tell me the Tale of the Gutsy Ninja: Akai style!"

"I...I..." Akai stammered as she clutched her head. It was a simple enough question. She didn't have any problems with it before. "Stop it...!"

So why now?

Her mind flashed with images of her deceased parents. They were smiling at her.

"Akai...yes, we'll call her Akai." A voice said lovingly, "because of her beautiful red hair... our precious little girl."

"I'm Uchiha Akai..." She said to herself.

"She'll do great things. I know it..."

"I'm Uchiha Akai..."

She was having a panic attack!

"You alright kid?" Jiraiya asked concerned.

"Stay away." Growled Akai, "You...stop messing with my head!"

Damn it! Damn this compassion! Damn her empathy! Stupid emotions! She hated them! She hated that she cared...

"I'm not. Right now the only one messing with you is you." Jiraiya said as he uncrossed his arms. He reached out and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm taking Naruto out to train him for a month. Do you want to come?"

No. She really didn't.

Akai planned on asking Orochimaru to help her.

"Yes." She said against her own wishes. Her eyes widened as she realized what she let slip, "I mean-!"

"Great!" Winked Jiraiya, "this'll be great!" And he turned to leave.

Akai was left alone with her thoughts once again. She was completely alone.


"Training under Jiraiya huh..." she whispered to herself as she walked home. Kabuto adjusted his glasses from behind a nearby tree. What a creep.

She returned to her apartment a little while later and shut the door. She had a guest.

"So I hear you'll be under Jiraiya's tutelage for the month." Orochimaru hissed while sipping tea. "Kabuto heard you mumbling about it to yourself..."

"Hmph. It couldn't hurt to gather info on the Legendary Toad Sage." Akai replied  mildly surprised and with a huff. "Plus although I have some confidence in my skill I can admit when someone is stronger than me..."

"I see... you really are quite gifted." Orochimaru licked his lips.

"Ah, that reminds me..." she said suddenly, "you know the Edo Tensei don't you? Could you perhaps teach me?"

Orochimaru blinked, "what?"

"I need to learn as much as I can." She said determinedly, "I want to learn everything. You are probably the only one closest to that. Perhaps there are other people whom are powerful but terms of knowledge you are by far the most advanced."

"Yes well, that's true." Orochimaru admitted shamelessly, "I am knowledgeable but how did you know tha-?"

"I am the greatest informant in the world." Akai said immediately, "if someone wants to know something I want the be the one they turn to. I want to know everything. Perhaps not the entire worlds secrets but that would definitely be on my to-do list."

Orochimaru decided here and now that he liked the way this girl thought. She was logical and blunt. She was reliable and good with secrets.

Akai could be a great asset in the future. Not for experiments but as a reliable contact.

"Let's update our deal." Orochimaru said suddenly, "I will teach you rare jutsu in exchange for your services every once and awhile."

Another pawn. Mentally smirked Akai.

This was exactly what she wanted.

"Deal." She agreed.

And so it began.

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