Ruby Rose

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(Your POV)

You walk through the portal as your out fit changes into battle armor. Sadly without a weapon looks like you'll have to find some later.

You then walk out of an alleyway and see Ruby crash through the window as you watch the fight, you get bored so you decided to join in as you rushed to her aid.

(No one's POV)

As Ruby was fighting the robbers henchmen Ruby watched as a man rushed past me and kicked a man in the stomach sending him flying into the wall her grabbed his weapon in midair as he fought another henchman as suddenly the robber said

???: You were worth every cent. Truly, you were. (to Ruby and you, dropping his cigar and crushing it with his cane is approaching police sirens are heard) Well, Red and company, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around... (raises his cane and opens the bottom to reveal a rifle with a cross grid) ...I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

Roman unleashes a red blast at Ruby and you, who fires at the ground and as you and her leaps over it. When you both lands and looks up, Roman isn't there, and is climbing up a ladder on a nearby building.

Ruby: (to the onlooking shopkeeper) You okay if I go after him?

The shopkeeper gives a short "Uh huh", and Ruby and you set off.

Roman makes it to the roof, with Ruby high-flying again as you grab one of the unconscious men's gun and crawl up the ladder as you get to the top as Ruby landing right behind Roman.

Ruby: Hey!

Roman: (stopping at the edge) Persistent...

Ruby readies to fight him, but a getaway Bullhead rises up and opens the hatch to allow Roman inside.

Roman: (turning around and holding up a red Dust gem) End of the line, Red and friends.

He throws it out at her feet and fires at her, resulting in a large explosion.

Roman: Whoa-ho-ho-ho! (stops laughing when he sees something on the roof) Huh?

A woman in a purple cape is now in front of Ruby, casting a circle of protection over them with her wand. As Ruby looks on, Glynda Goodwitch waves her crop and summons several streaks of purple crystals at the craft. Roman is thrown around in the back until he goes to the cockpit, where a woman in red, her face unseen, is struggling with the controls.

Roman: We got a Huntress!

The woman gets up and heads toward the back as Roman takes the controls.

Glynda glows purple for a moment and aims another blast above the craft, resulting in a dark storm-cloud right over the jet.

Roman: The hell...?

With a flick of her wand, large jagged hail starts falling that pummels the jet and even breaks through the window, narrowly missing Roman's head.

The woman reaches the back and her arms and chest light up like fire, aiming a burst of energy at Glynda. The Huntress blocks it, but the flame splatters behind her and glows hot with the enemy's raised hand. Glynda back-flips out of the explosion, which destroys part of the roof, and magically gathers the shards to create a large arrow, which she throws at the craft. The fiery woman shatters the arrow with several blasts, but it reforms just in time to hit the side of the jet due to Roman's quick aerial lean. The wreckage separates and reshapes into more arrows that encircle the jet, but the woman summons several glowing rings around herself that expand and destroy the shards.

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