The Fight Begins

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Qrow vs Ruby

Summer: May the contestants come to the Arena.

Ruby and Qrow walked up with both of their scythes out and ready to fight

Summer: The challenges will go as so when ones Aura reaches the red, They are disarmed, or They get flung off the edge of the arena they are out.

They Both readied their weapons as the area of the arena around them went down as it shuffled to find an environment. It came back up with complete forest surrounding them.

Summer: 3!

They both got their feet steadied.

Summer: 2!

You watched as Ruby tightened her grip on Crescent Rose.

You: Lets go Ruby!

Anna: Cmon Ruby you got this.

Summer: 1! Fight!

They charged at you another as they slashed their scythes at one another. Ruby used her Petal Dash to charge at Qrow as he use his shotgun and shot at her as she dodged it and began to try and propel herself in the air and shot at Qrow knowing his weapons range wouldn't reach. He jumped up in the air as she began to fall. He then turned Harbringer into a sword and did a downward slash resulting in a cloud of dust to form. you saw Ruby's Aura drop into the yellow from overusing her semblance. He began to slash at her as she used her rifle to both propel and shoot at the drunk. He then fired off a shotgun shell into the tree behind her as it fell nearly hitting her and making her lose concentration on the battle as she was then hit and her aura went into the red.

Summer: Qrow wins

Ruby disappeared off the board as Qrow's name moved into the next bracket.

You jumped onto the arena ground and walked over to Ruby. You then helped her up.

Ruby: Thanks.

You: no problem, but next time I would recommend concentrating on everything, not just the battle because that may matter whether you win or lose.

Ruby: thanks.

The rest of the stadium changed back to concrete. As her and Qrow walked off to watch the next fight. . .

Blake vs You

Summer: Next up Blake vs Y/N. Restricting Semblances Chosen Semblances.

Everyone looked at you as your aura flashed A/C and F/C as your all except your two chosen semblances.

You and Blake stood on opposite sides of the Arena.

The outside arena began to descend as it began to chose the battle ground.

Summer: Destroyed city and Sky Island

Summer: Destroyed city and Sky Island

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