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Sun: (Whispering to Blake) What are we going to do?!

Blake: I'm thinking...

Sun: (Watching Roman lean on the robot smoking his cigar and laughing with the girl beside him before he zeroes in on the two, frowning.) He sees us... (Tries to smile and wave.)

Blake: (Noticing the junction box on the wall.) He can't see in the dark.

With that, Blake unsheathes Gambol Shroud, transforms it into a pistol, and shoots at the box, making the lights go out for the whole building and turning the screen dark.

Roman: Don't let them get away!

Blake: Sun! The window!

Roman: Stop them!

Before the two student Huntsmen crash through the window and start running as fast as they can, the mechanized sound of running power signals the Altesian Paladin's activation, and it crashes through the wall of the building in pursuit of the runaways, who leap off of a car and manage to get on the roofs. The Paladin follows beside them on the street as Blake and Sun run, jump, and flip from rooftop to rooftop with you following on the ground with your motorcycle.

Sun: (Amidst twirls in the air) So you wouldn't happen to have... oh, I don't know... some form of backup?!

Blake: On it! (She grabs her Scroll and puts it to her ear as she continues to jump.)

Weiss Schnee is seen leaving the Cross Continental Transmit tower's elevator when she grabs her own Scroll and listens to Blake's message.

Blake: (Scroll-call) Everyone! If you can hear me, we need back-

Sun: (Scroll-call, in the background) HEEEELLLLP!

Weiss rolls her eyes and starts running out the door, a little smile on her face as she does so.

Ruby is still beside the dumpster (which is boarded up, possibly to keep the rat imprisoned), staring at her Scroll.

Sun: (Scroll-call) Big robot! And it's big! Really big!

Ruby: (Excitedly) Oh, I am not missing this! (Runs off to join the fight.)

Yang is back on the motorcycle in her helmet and sunglasses with Neptune looking at the Scroll in her hand over her shoulder.

Sun: (Scroll-call) That Torchwick guy is in it! But not, like, it didn't eat him; he's, like, controlling it or something!

Yang: Where are you guys?

Right on cue, behind them, Blake and Sun can be seen running as she can also see you diving behind them through the street with the Paladin hot on their heels before they all disappear from view.

Sun: (In both person and on the Scroll) HURRYYYY!!!

Neptune: I think that was them.

Yang: Yeah, I got it. (Putting the Scroll away, she quickly circles her ride around - much to Neptune's alarm - and drives off to follow them.)

Blake and Sun somehow make it to the highways, jumping down into the busy street and continuing their escape by hopping on cars while the Paladin follows them by pushing vehicles out of the way. Sun pauses to look at their pursuer's path of destruction and offer a quick "Whoa!" before leaping onto more cars, much to the anger of Roman inside the robot, his face surrounded by blue holographic screens.

Yang and Neptune are able to follow the mech suit on their ride, coming up next to it as it runs.

Yang: We've gotta slow it down!

A Hero Has Risen (RWBY x Multiverse Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now