He was made for me?

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He just smirks at me. I can see his face clearly for the first time. He was absolutely beautiful. He stood around 6"3 with tight jeans although they hung low on his hips, the tight black shirt he was wearing showed all his muscles and god help me abs! Oh my god! He literally took my breath away. I slowly looked up, he had perfect lips and a strong jaw. Ocean blue eyes that I hell anyone could get lost in. Jet black hair, he was so beautiful.

I didn't notice I was staring till he cleared his throat."Done checking me out?" he ask cockily.

"I.....I....wasn't"I stammer embarrassed I got caught. He's my mate? He may be beautiful but I have to remember the things I've heard about him.

"Whats your name?"he asks.

"Arabella or Ara if you prefer.

"Arabella?"he tests and I shiver when he says my name. No matter what he does or has done he's my mate. Storm was going crazy to touch him but I couldn't. What if he didn't want me?

We just stood there looking at each other. He steps toward me and I feel like I can't breath. "Killian..."I loved the sound of his name.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"you're my mate...I won't hurt you. I don't think I can"

But then he moved away from me. What did I do?"You will stay in here with me so I can keep an eye on you."Then he leaves. For a mate he sure doesn't act like it.

"He wants us"Storm says"I can feel his wolf calling out to us" She can be happy her mate likes her. Now to get mine to like me. I noticed a dress on the bed and I picked it up going into the bathroom. I smiled to myself when I saw the shower. And stripped so fast my head started spinning. I turn the water on hot and quickly wash my hair and body.

I want to see Killian again. I get out drying off and get dressed towel drying my hair. Satisfied I run out of the room. I sniff and follow his scent to the living room. What I see brings tears to my eyes. He's kissing someone else. He turns to look at me when he hears my crying.

I run back to the room. I can hear him following after me, and he catches the door before I can close it. He puts his hand under my chin and makes me look at him. Only it isn't him,it's his wolf. I can tell because his eyes changed to bright blue. He lifts his hands up and wipes my tears away.

"forgive my human he's a dumbass"he says softly

I sniffle and smile alittle."I'm Arabella, what's your name?"

"Ryker love"Even his wolf sounds sexy. And the name damn.

"mate him right now"Storm says. I ignore her and smile at him "your very different from your human Ryker" He chuckles.

"He is not so bad. He is an ass because of his past ask him sometime". I nod and he traces my lip. Think hurry talk so he doesn't leave I scold myself.

"can I?"he ask. I nod and he slowly leans in and kisses me softly. Sparks erupted and I kisses back gently. Damn those soft lips.

When he pulls away a whimper escapes my lips. He smiles"I'll be seeing you"he says then his eyes fade back to pale blue. Killian looks at me then leaves.

What the hell just happened? My mate is such a....what's the word I'm looking for oh yea ass but his wolf likes us. Maybe this won't be so bad I think to myself.

My mate the ruthless AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now