The bitch had it coming

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That prick of a mate left me tied to his fucking bed for almost two hours now. Who the fuck does that? I was beyond pissed but a part of me was also extremely happy. He had marked me. Does that mean he accepts us? Do we have a future together? So many thoughts were running through my head making it spin.

"He marked us." Storm sighs happily. I guess I know how she feels.It had scared me at first, I didn't know if I was ready. But I'm happy now. He claimed me as his. I've wanted this since my mother first told me about mates.

"Now onto you"she growled towards me.

"What are you going on about? I ask her.

"You should have marked him too! People now know were his but those stupid whores could be all over him as we speak."she growled out.

Those words caused a menacing and deathly dangerous growl to escape my lips without warning. "He's ours!" I said aloud.

"Are you talking to someone princess?" I turned at the sound of his voice. I stayed quiet and began pulling at my arms. Jackass. I watched him closely as he stepped towards me. Finally free, he untied my hands.

I winced and rubbed my wrist. I was ready to bitch his ass out. Till I looked up to his face. I saw hunger in his eyes. But he wasn't looking at me, well a part of me. I look down forgetting my breast were hanging out.Shit! I cover them up. Bitch ain't getting any after that.

I get up and go to the closet. I pull on a sports bra and tank top. I walk out and Killian's waiting by the door. I know I should be mad but I couldn't stop the butterflies that erupted in my stomach. Stupid body I can't control.

He smiled at me but I ignored him, walking downstairs. As soon as my feet hit the bottom of the stairs a squeal of joy hit my ears. I looked up to see Emma.

"Oh my moongodess! Why didn't you tell me?"She practically screams. She's looking at me with an excited gleam in her eyes. Seriously what is her problem?

I felt Killian behind me, and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me against him tightly. He kisses my neck and I shudder, trying to hold back a moan.

"Your mark is incredible"he laughs. My mark? Holy Hell how did I forget he bit me. I pulled away from him and ran into the bathroom.

When I looked into the mirror I gasp. He was wrong it wasn't incredible, it was unbelievably beautiful. Where my neck meets my shoulder there was a black wolf with white ears it's head pulled back howling at a crescent moon. Under the wolf in black were his initials it read K.J.H.

I've never laid eyes on anything so beautiful. Storm was howling for joy.

"It's so amazing, I love it!" I smiled to Killian. Then I frowned and looked at my mark then to him again. He laughed when he saw my face.

"What is it?"He looks into my eyes.

"I just realized I don't know ur whole name. What's the J and H stand for?"I ask quietly embarrassed. I didn't know his last name but let him mark me. Awesome.....

I could hear Emma and Nick laughing. How rude. He laughed and lightly brushed his fingertips against my mark.

"My name is Killian Jackson Haynes." Wow was it just me or is his name even beautiful? I have a perfect mate I thought.

Later I was laying down on the couch by myslef of course Killian had work. I couldn't get thise words out of my head from so many years ago. The ruthless Alpha.....Could they have been wrong? He seemed okay to me. They had to be wrong right? I'll ask him sometime. I'll go crazy thinking about it.

I got up off the couch but was pushed back down. I looked up to a girl wearing way too much make-up like  had smeared mud on her face. Then it hit me, this was the hoe who I saw kissing my mate.

"Tell me how was he"She taunts me. That stupid bitch. Don't you dare talk about my mate. I tried to ignore her and walk out of the room till she spoke up again.

"He's amazing isnt he. Don't get use to it I'll be taking him back when he rejects you. I'll take my place as the rightful Luna of this pack"she laughs evily. That's it she pushed me too far. I could feel my nails turning into claws and my fangs elongating.

"Wrong move bitch" I say lowly, she looked scared and gulped loudly.

"Im not afraid of you"she says unsure. I laughed and lunged  her. I punched her square in the jaw. Bitch went down. I smiled and she pulled me down. I swipped my claws down her chest and she screamed in pain. We attracted quiet a crowd. I could hear people screaming but I didn't pat attention to them. I got up grabbing her hair and I pulled her outside. Everone followed us into the yard.

I threw her down and she shifted. She was pathetic. She was a small sandy brown wolf. Smaller than my wolf, couldn't fight if she had to. I smiled to myself and shifted as she charged at me. As soon as I shifted she jumped me. I ducked out of her way and bit down into her hind leg. She howled out in pain.

I could feel Killian watching me. I looked up at him but I couldn't read his face. She looked up at him and whimpered asking him for help. I saw red at this point. I snapped her leg between my teeth and tasted blood.

I winced at the sound of bones cracking. She deserved it. I dropped her leg from my mouth and it fell limply to the ground. She lunged for my throat with her teeth but I read her move. I moved back and jumped on her, digging my claws deep into her sides and I bit down hard into her shoulder.

"Luna!"I heard someone shout, but I ignored it. I bit down harder till her body went limp. She wasn't dead. Passed out from pain. I let go and got up, shifting not caring who saw me.

"Anyone else? Stay out of my way and keep your hands off my mate. I dare any one of you to threaten me or my mate"I growled out to everyone. Killian threw a shirt at me.

"Cover yourself now!"he yells infuriated. I pulled the shirt on and it went just under my butt. I looked back at her.

"Someone get her out of my sight"I could feel my eyes changing. Nick and another male picked her up and carried her away.

I walked past everyone to leave. Before I  did I saw my mate. His eyes looked mad but there was something else in them was that pride? Probably not.  Maybe I imagined it. I pushed past everyone and went back to our room.

My mate the ruthless AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now