Could I stay?

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I had no idea what to say. I mean yea this guy kinda scares me, but he could have treated me worse. I was considered a rouge. Most would have done the same or way worse. But that doesn't change the fact that he scares me.

"It's ok Killian its....its my fault I was a rouge he was doing his job leave him alone" I plead.

"What was your fault?"I lift up my arm and all the way around my wrist is bruises. He growls and looks at Dylan.I reach up and softly touch his face. He calms down slowly.

"Please just I don't think I can be alone with him yet." He agrees. I can tell he's mindlinking someone he's looking off into space and his eyes are glazed over.

Soon there's a knock on the door.In walks a girl who looks similar to my Killian. Wait my killian? I giggle and they all look at me like I have three heads."sorry"I mumble. She has the same hair color, and eyes as Killian just a little darker.

"Emma please show my mate around"he asks She screams and grabs my hand running out.

"I finally have a sister"she says. Oh Killian's sister duh.  She seems nice enough I guess. I smile and introduce myself. "I'm Arabella"

"We're gonna be good friends"First she showed me to the huge kitchen. I have to remember how to get here so I don't starve. Then she led me to the living room. This place was amazing. There were a few people on the couches they seemed ok. Most feared pack ha!

Onto the game room. They had almost every game console known to man. There was a boy playing and she introduced us. "This is Nick the delta or third in command and my mate." I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew him. Those dark brown eyes and blackish blue hair. Then it hit me he was the other wolf that helped capture me.

I looked away quickly but looked up when he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry Luna I had no idea." He really didn't hurt me and he seemed worried.

"Its ok and call me Arabella please."He smiled. We decided to play a game well they did I watched. Poor Nick wanted to win but in the end I know he let his mate win.

She jumped up and did a victory dance. He gave me a look saying don't you dare tell her.We laughed so hard I fell off the couch flat on my ass.

Till I smelt my mate and sat up."What the hell is wrong with you?"he chuckles at her.

"I won so shove it!" she jumps on Nicks lap and they kiss. They seem so in love I hope I have that one day. I look up at Killian and he's looking at me too.

You know those stupid girls who say they get butterflies. Fuck that I had a whole circus flip flopping in my stomach.What's he doing to me?

My mate the ruthless AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now