Getting to know my mate sort of

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I liked spending time with Emma she talked none stop so no awkward silence. And she told me about my mate.His best friend was his wolf also. I learned that after his parents died he changed and took real responsibility for this pack. She told me that he never thought he would have a mate.

It made me feel sad but kinda happy at the same time. I know he isn't all bad. Maybe deep down but he seems amazing. Emma said he was done patrolling, I was so happy I exscused myself and ran outside.

I went to the edge of the forest and changed out of my clothes and shifted. I follwed his scent and what I saw really stunned me. He was sitting beside a small river and his wolf was wow. His wolf was so beautiful. I realized he was the exact opposite of me. Where I was white with black tipped ears, he was black with white ears.

As soon as he saw me I saw his tail begin to wag. How cute. "They're so beautiful"Storm said. Mhmmm I agreed. I walked over to him and nuzzled his side. He tried to smile but it looked weird and his tongue flopped out the side of his mouth. I snickered. I wish I knew what he was thinking. I could if we accepted each other and he marked me. I just want us both to be sure I don't really know him.

He layed down and I layed beside him licking his cheek. I could see the change in his eyes. Ryker was back.

"Please let me out"Storm begged.So I allowed her to take over so she could spend some time with her mate.

Storm decided to play and got up in front of Ryker. She shook her butt in front of him and sped off. He growled and chased us. For hours they played and layed together.

Soon enough we got control again and both changed. Today spending the day with them was amazing. I saw a new side to my mate. I was sure I was falling for him now. He's not perfect but he's mine.

We walked together in silence not uncomfortable it felt right. I wanted to take his hand but settled with our hands brushing. I'll never get over how it feels to touch him.

"Where will I be staying?"

"Our room of course"I follow him to the room and he starts taking his shirt off. I swear i started drooling. I scalded myself. He gives me a shirt and a pair of his boxers. I smiles and run into the bathroom to change. I take my clothes off and change into his The shirt smelled just like him. I smile to myself and walk out. Hes already laying in bed in just boxers.

"Moongodess give me the strenght to not rape him"he chuckles.


"yous said that out loud"he laughs.

God kill me now I run to the bed and pull the cover over my head. I can hear and feel him laughing. Next thing I feel is the tingles. He pulls me to his body, and it feels amazing.

"Goodnight Killian"

"Night mate"is all i hear before I drift to sleep.

My mate the ruthless AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now