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"Hi guys," Sophie gave her phone a small smile. She was wearing one of Tom's hoodies she had forgotten to give to Harrison to give to Tom. The sleeves went past her hands, she had the hood pulled up as well. She pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose. She never wore her glasses in public or in photos, she only ever wore them when she was in her apartment with Sebastian and maybe her friends, she couldn't be bothered with putting in her contacts.

"um, so I know that there's been a lot of rumours going around lately about a few things and I just wanted to tell you my side. After this you guys can decided who you want to believe."

She waited for a minute and read a few of the comments. Some nice. Some bad. Some neutral.

"I guess I'll start with Kyle. Em, when I started to date Kyle everything was normal, it was fun we really got along and he was supportive of my career and how that it was my main priority. Around the time that we started filming for Age of Ultron everything sort of took a turn," she wouldn't look straight into her phone, instead she busied herself by looking at her chipped acrylics.

She was interrupted by Robert coming into her trailer, "I got you a cup of coffee," his Irish accent always made her smile.

"Thanks rob."

"I'll see you later, soph," he put the coffee down on the table next to the small couch and then left.

"There was a point where Kyle always wanted to go out and he'd always make sure I looked, em, ready if that makes sense so if I wanted to wear like sweats or something he'd tell me to go get changed."

"I got a muffing for my muffin," Lorenzo burst through the door and danced over to her, handing her a chocolate muffin, then dancing out of her trailer.

"That was Lorenzo, who I am not sleeping with. Just to make that clear. Anyway, I took my brother to the age of ultron premiere because let's face it, I would be where I am today without him. Kyle and I got into a fight about that and he ended up storming out. After the premiere one of his friends texted me and basically said that Kyle was only dating me because I was a celebrity," she put air quotes around celebrity, "a week later I brought Kyle up about it and asked him and at first he was trying to deny it but then eventually just said yeah I was with you because of that... then he was saying some other things that I won't say on this."

She looked over at her muffin for a minute then back at her hands, "the last thing I'm going to say is that I would never cheat on anyone, So I didn't cheat on Kyle, I didn't cheat on Tom and I would hate it if people think that I would cheat on them because when I went out with Kyle and when I went out with Tom I genuinely loved them with all my heart and I don't want to hurt the people who I love," she thought for a minute if she needed to say anything else, "I think that's all so I'm going to go. You don't have to believe me, you can hate me but don't hate on Nathan because he doesn't deserve it. Have a great day and em, go see hellfire: burnt out ... whenever that's coming out. Bye."

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