What happened to ten

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After school I went to pick up the boys. Tommy told me that the teacher was letting him play with glitter. Boy could you tell that was the truth. If you did not know better you would have thought that the glitter was growing from his scalp.

Kai said he had math and to practice his cursive. While I tried to brush the majority of the glitter out of Tomas's hair Frankie told me how he played dog ball.

"We'll buddy you know that if you get hit its not worth it unless you can see the lines from the ball." I told him. A near by mom stared at me like I had told him to join a gang.

After picking glitter out of Tomas's hair I ran my brush trough it a few times. And then put him in his car seat. On the way home I asked the boys what they wanted for dinner. The unanimous answer was Mac and cheese.

When I got home I sent Kia and Frankie up stares to shower. And sat Tommy on the couch. I made sure I could see him from the kitchen. I started to make dinner and once I finished the mac and cheese I put some chicken in the oven and let some green beans heat on the stove top. I scooped Tommy off the couch an prepared his bath.

"Kai." I called from the bathroom as I sat Tommy down in the tub. "Ya." He said pulling down his top.

"Can you watch Tom while I go take a shower?" I asked.

"Ya." He said.

"Make sure he is clean before you let him out." I said as I went to go get my pajamas. I jumped in the shower.

Once I got out all I could hear was Frankie yelling my name. The first thing that ran trough my head was he's hurt. I wrapped my towel around myself and rushed towards his voice. "Frankie!" I yelled as I ran in to the living room.

"You have a guest." He said completely innocent. As I stood their in my towel with nothing on under it I saw Johnny come out of the kitchen. My brain could not seem to function as he stared at me in my towel.

"I will be right back." I went up to my room and grumbled to myself. About how he did not understand ten. I looked at my clock it was four thirteen no where near ten. I got dressed in a tang top and my long checkered pajama pants.

I came down the stairs and saw Johnny helping Kai out with his math. When I came closer I heard Johnny say, "So what's three times eight?" He asked Kai.

"Um I don't know." He said.

"Ya you do man we just went over this." Johnny said gently.

"Um twenty-" Kai stopped. Johnny patiently waited. "Four." He guessed.

"Nice, try the next one." He said as he looked up and saw me. He got up and fallowed me into the kitchen. I checked the chicken and turned off the fire under the green beans. "Being that you are here this early you want some dinner." I said holding up another plate.

"You wouldn't mind?" He asked.

"No I made more than enough." I said. He shrugged. I laid out another.

"Where is the sheriff?" He asked.

"Not home yet he has been taking all day shifts." I said Johnny shrugged.

"So you have younger siblings." I said.

"No I just like kids. They remind me we all start off the same." He said helping me dish up dinner.

"We are what the world makes us." I said.

"Ya then the world gets angry for what we became." He scoffed I nodded.

Once dinner was ready I called the boys. We sat down at the table. The boys kept asking if Johnny was like Eliot or if he was my boyfriend.

"Neither we are working on a project for school." I said cutting the talk short. "Frankie why not tell Johnny about your dodge ball game." I said so we would stop talking about Johnny and I.

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