Are you sure its not friday? 12

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The next day I woke up and was not to happy to have to get out of bed. I was glad it was Friday I was not having the best week and I was ready for it to be over. I got out of bed and got showered and dressed. It was a lazy day so I put on my jeans and an old shirt baggy jacket. I pulled on my boots and put my hair up in a messy pony tail. A text came in on my phone as I picked it up.

Johnny: what are you doing today?

I could not help but laugh I was going to get the boys up like every weekday. I told him I would be at school and went to wake up the boys. Just as I was about to open the boys door my phone went off again.

Johnny: why its Saturday

I froze. I stood there thinking about what day it was. Oh lord it is Saturday and I am awake at 5:00. I finally texted Johnny. Back and told him I was going to bed.

Johnny: can I come over if you are up.

Me: yes

I could imagine Johnny laughing at me now. I sat in the living room waiting for Johnny. I soon fell asleep on the couch. Before I realized it I heard nocking on the front door. Once I was awake enough to get up I answered the door. There stood Johnny on the other side. "Good morning." He said as he walked in. I closed the door and went back to the couch. Johnny sat me up against him. "What are we watching?" He asked. I had forgotten that I had turned on the t.v. I looked up and saw Good Morning American was on. I closed my eyes and snuggled into Jhonnys side.

"I was watching the inside of my eyelids." I told Johnny. He laughed and the front door opened again. I sat up rather quickly to see my father staring at Johnny and I. This was probably the worst thing he could come home to see. He most likely worries about seeing Johnny all day at work and now he comes home to what would be his worst nightmare me cuddling Johnny.

"Hi Mr. Wilkins." Johnny said in a polite awkward tone. My dad said nothing as he walked past us after closing the door and going into the kitchen. Fighting was not what I wanted. "I can go." Jhonny said sitting up.

"Give me a minute I'll and go with you." I told him.

I walked up stairs and grabed my phone. Then walked into the kitchen. "I'm going out. I'll be back later." I told my dad.

"Are you telling or asking?" He asked.

"I'm not exactly expecting you to aprove but I thought you would like to know." I told him. 

"Sadie don't be like this." He said.

"Don't be like what like a person who has an opinion. He is not who you think he is." I said. My dad's face sudenly became serious.

"He's not the boy who got you to trespass last week. He's not the boy who got you to lie to me. No Sadie he's not who you think he is." His voice rose.

"I already told Bates that it was my idea and everyone lies you have done it too don't make it like he caused it." I said walking out to the living room. I stood staring at the ground.

"You don't have to come really." Johnny said coming closer.

"I don't want to be here."

Johnny drove to the small mall we had and started to walk around. I forgot I was so tired. He walked around window shopping and joking with me.

After a bit we went back to his house. Their was still a car in the drive way so someone was home. We walked in the house and Johnny pulled me on the couch with him. He quickly grabbed the clicker and turned on a movie. We were watching The Maze Runner when Johnny's stomach growled. "Hungry?" I asked turning to look at him.

"Ya lets go get food." He said pausing the movie. I expected him to move to the kitchen but he started for the door.

"Come on." He waved at me.

"You are saying your kitchen is empty?" I asked.

"Yeeees?" He said like he was unsure.

"Lets go look." I said moving to the kitchen door.

"Sadie." He whined dragging out the E. "I am my mother's child not my father's I don't cook if I don't have to." He complained. I ignored him and opened the refrigerator door.

"Does your dad have alfredo sauce?" I asked.

"Yes but that is not what I want." He said sitting on the counter.

"What do you want then?" I asked walking between his knees. He looked down at me and thought. "Chinese." He said like I would not be able to make it.

"Okay get out an iorn skillet one nonstick skillet and a large pan." I told him walking over to the frige. It seemed to make Jhonny sad that I knew how to make it. He hopped off of the counter and got me what I needed. When I was cooking Jhonny sat next to the stove on the large counter top.

"You know how to cook." he said watching me play with the pans on the stove as I flipped the chiken and stirred the pasta. He jumped as the rice cooker poped signaling it was done.

"Big Baby." I told him as he laughed at himself. He watched me move around the kitchen with little difficulty.

Once I was cutting up the chiken Johnny stood attentively behind me hands on my waist waiting to grab a plate.

"What smells good?" Asked a mans voice.

"Johnny?" The voice asked. We turned around to see Mr.Disney. 

"Sadie." He said as if it all made sense.

"Hi Mr.Disney." I said getting back to work.

"What did you make?" He asked coming over.

"Hey I helped." Johnny complained. 

"Ya, you were great moral support babe." I froze as the word so carelessly fell from my mouth. Mr.Disney did not seem to notice as he complimented me on getting Johnny to enter the kitchen. 

We sat down and ate as Mr.Disney left with a small book from the living room. Johnny turned the movie back on and ate. I had seen the movie before so it was no big deal that I was not able to focus. I don't know why giving Johnny such a common pet name was eating at me but it was.

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