Not just me 8

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After making sure the boys were okay with Sidney I showed up at Johnny's house. I realized there were two other cars in the driveway. I walked up to the door and nocked. "Oh I thought so." Said a girl with bright green eyes she had to be twenty-two. Her brown hair was up in a pony tail pulled off her face. She looked familiar.

"Morgan go away." Said what sounded to be Johnny.

"She's pretty Johnny how did you get her?" She asked him as she walked away. My cheeks flamed with color.

"Sorry about this I did not know they were coming home and Morgan and Rex brought Enzo." All I took from that sentence is; what was an Enzo. Suddenly a loud bark came from inside the house. Johnny looked back and attempted to block the large dog with his knee.

"Enzo no!" Came a deep voice from in the house. The dog was a large fawn boxer. It was as if I had gone back to being five I dropped on my knees and held out my hand as my brain kept chanting PUPPY! He stopped and sniffed my hand.

"Hi Enzo." I said as I pet him.

I him his butt wiggled as he tried to wag his short tail. "Oh aren't you a big boy." I said reaching around him to scratch his back. "Oh ya just a big baby barking at me mister." I said getting lost in playing with the dog. I didn't realize that Johnny and a man who looked just like him were watching me.

"I like her already." Said the man I assumed was some how related to Johnny. Enzo was bumping into the boys hands with his head tying to be pet.

"Rex, Sadie. Sadie, Rex my older brother."

I didn't mean to be rude but I blurted out. "Rex? Like T Rex?" I asked. Johnny laughed.

"Exactly." I felt bad but Rex only slapped Johnny.

"My hole name is Tyrus but it's spelt like TyRex so you can call me Ty or Rex." He said walking back into the house. "Come Enzo." Enzo fallowed obediently.

"I didn't know you liked dogs." Johnny said when we were alone.

"I didn't know you had an older brother and sister." I said.

"Morgan no she is engaged to Rex." He stated.

"Oh my apologies." I said sarcastically.

"It's okay I owe you the apology. Maybe we can count the next one." I checked to make sure the door was closed and snaked my arms around Johnny's neck.

"I counted the last one that was really the nicest thing that had ever been done for me." I told him. "I didn't think you were listening when I told you about me likening the stars." I told him.

"Just because you're so pretty it can be distracting don't think I'm not listening." He said. The front door opened and Johnny and I split.

"Guys dinner is soon you might want to come in." Said Rex.

"Johnny it's not nice to take a girls innocence on the porch." I ran past Rex to the dog in the living room so I could avoid Morgan's comment. Enzo started towards me. I crouched and pet him. Heels clacked into the room.

"Who might this be?" Questioned the woman in the heels. I looked up and she was talking about me. Enzo barked and I snapped at him it was just natural.

"Um, hi I'm Sadie." I said and stuck my hand out to be shook. If looks could kill I would have been dead the second I looked up from petting Enzo. She had black hair and brown eyes. She was in a woman's suit and white matching heels.

"Elsa Disney. No no relation to the cartoon." She said as if the words left my mouth she would scream.

"I think it's a very pretty name." I told her she walked by me I dropped my unshaken hand. She may have been named Elsa first but she was colder than the cartoon ice queen.

"She means well." Said Rex.

"Come and get it guys." Said a man from the kitchen.

"Come on." Johnny said taking my hand and leading me into the kitchen.

When I saw the older man in the kitchen I realized where Johnny and Rex had gotten their hight from. This man with slightly gray hair and blue eyes was as tall as a tree. He stood easily at six four if not taller. Rex looked just like his father where as Johnny had all of the stature and facial structure of his father he had his mothers eye and hair color. Even if she was a cold woman she had made a beautiful boy in Johnny.

"Who might you be?" Asked Mr. Disney. It was almost the same question that Ms. Disney had asked but it seemed completely different the way he said it.

"Dad, Sadie. Sadie, my father." Johnny said.

"It's nice to meet you." I told him.

"The pleasure is all mine and my wife's to have such a lovely new guest." He said as he firmly shook my hand.

"Okay sweet hart what do you want?" He asked picking up a plate.

"Um," I looked at the large spread of food. "Some of the pasta with a little Alfredo sauce." He dished up what I asked for and then put a bit of all of the sides on the same plate. It looked like green beans and mashed potatoes. I sat down at the large table. Johnny quickly sat next to me. Morgan sat across from Johnny and Rex across from me. Mr. Disney sat next to me at the head of the table. Ms. Disney sat at the other end. Morgan asked how long Johnny and I had been going out for. "Um we're not really." I stated. Morgan laughed at Johnny.

"We're taking it slow we have been going steady for about a week." Said Johnny while Rex took a drink and almost did a spit take at what Johnny said.

Morgan was about to start in again when Mr. Disney said. "That's good I don't think most kids take relationships slow enough anymore they jump into it face first before they know if it will work."

Morgan's mouth hung open. "Okay." Was all she said.

"I think it's absolutely sublime." Said Ms. Disney. I got the feeling that was a lie I don't think she liked me at all.

Once we were done eating Mr. Disney brought over dessert. I learned that Mr. Disney used to be a pro chef now he and Ms. Disney went around the world for tours of the books Mr. Disney had written. No wonder Johnny is always alone. Mr. Disney only seemed to become more open during dinner where as Ms. Disney left early after picking at what had been in her plate. What it must be like to live with a person like that. Mr. Disney apologized for her behavior said she always acted that way to strangers. I hoped that was true.

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