Dinner and a Movie

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While picking up the boys from school. I was told that Frankie hit another boy because he would not stop calling him Frany. I went home and saw Johnny sitting on my door step with take out an what looked to be movies. Johnny stood as we approached the door. Once we were inside I told Frankie to sit on the couch and that he was not to turn on the tv. Every one else walked in the kitchen and I had the boys sit down.

"Kai start your homework." I told him pulling my self back toward Frankie. "Watch them please." I said to Johnny. He nodded. I sat next to Frankie.

"I'm sorry I hit him." He said as soon as I sat down.

"I haven't said anything yet Frank." I said looking at him as I moved my bangs so I could look him in the eyes.

"So I'm not in trouble?" He asked.

"Now Frank I never said that." I laughed. He sighed and slumped into the couch. "I am happy that you stuck up for your self. I'm just not happy at the way you went about doing that." I told him. "Their are better ways to do that than to hit another person. You could have walked away-" He cut me off.

"I did he fallowed me." Frankie said.

"Then you go get a teacher Frank. You do not resort to violence unless you absolutely have to." I said. "Bullies like this boy thrive on the attention that you give them. And the fact that you hit him makes him the victim when he is the perpetrator. Okay?" I said.

"Are you mad?" He asked. "Not really I'm just not happy with how you handled the situation." I told him.

"Am I going to be in more trouble with daddy?" He asked. I knew my dad was stressed enough.

"Do understand what you did was wrong?" I asked. He nodded. "Then I don't see any reason to tell dad. Okay now go sit down with Kai and Tommy. Send out Johnny." I told him.

"Is he in trouble too?" Asked Frank.

"No Frank he's not trouble." I laughed.

After a few seconds of sitting there Johnny came into the living room. "Why are you here?" I asked as he walked up.

"I was serious when I said I was going to be courting you." He laughed sitting next to me. He relaxed and leaned into the couch next to me.

"What does dinner and movies with my little brothers have to do with that?" I laughed.

Johnny sat up his hand on my knee. "It's just so nothing is to serious we can still talk and get to know each other but your little brothers make it not official." He said.

"So dinner?" I asked. Johnny laughed and pulled me towards the kitchen.

Once we sat down Johnny would not let me help pass out dinner besides telling him what boy would eat what. After sitting for a while Tommy reached out to get some shrimp. This was not the type you just eat you had peel it and take off the head and tail. "Tommy do you want some help?" I asked. He shook his head just incase I picked up a shrimp and hoped for monkey see monkey do to take place. I looked at Tommy as he took a bite and was met with parts of the shrimp's exoskeleton that he did not fully get rid of. He sheepishly held it out to me and I showed him what he had missed. "It's okay bud it just takes practice." I told him as I looked across the table to see Kia trying to teach Johnny how to use chopsticks.

"Like this?" He asked.

"Um no like," Kai tried again and looked at me. I walked over.

"Hold the first one like a pencil then lift your pointer finger and let this one rest here." I said I laughed as he dropped them. "No look like this." I said holding his hand and placing the chopsticks in properly. "Now open them and close them." I told him he did it with shaky fingers. "TaDa!" I said and without thinking I kissed Johnny's cheek.

"Eewwww!" Chorused my brothers. I blushed moving back to my chair and finished eating. We all had a good time laughing at Johnny's attempt to use chopsticks.

Once Johnny and I threw away all of the empty containers. The boys chose out of the two DVDs Johnny brought. I would have sworn that there was three but I would have been wrong. They chose to watch Cars 2 and then Plaines. Johnny and I were not alone on the couch this time the boys sat with us. I could have quoted this movie but tried not to for the sanity of everyone else.

Just at the end of Cars 2 the front door opened. "Baits?" Said the voice of my dad. He was on the phone. Johnny froze. I pushed him down

"There is dinner in the fridge if you want some." I told him the room was so dark and he did not see Johnny as he passed by the couch. Once my dad was in the kitchen I pulled Johnny to his feet. "You need to go now." I pulled Johnny to the door.

"Wait." He said holding on to the door frame looking back at me.

"Yes I will get you your movies tomorrow." I said looking over my shoulder checking for my dad.

"No not that." He said. When I turned back to ask him what I realized Johnny had planted his lips on mine. Once he pulled back I laughed.

"Your playing with fire Disney." I said.

"Is that why your so hot?" He laughed.

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