Chapter Nine: Bloodbath

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Disclaimer: I don't own Hunger Games or Percy Jackson

Chapter Nine: Bloodbath

As the timer counted down, the tributes rose to the surface. Piper glanced around, looking for Jason. She couldn't see him.

The Cornucopia stood in all its golden glory as the tributes positioned their feet to fight or flee. Most were ready to fight. 

When the gong sounded, Hazel immediately ran forward to grab the Calvary sword just sitting at the top of the pile. She ignored Clarisse, who was just two plates away from her and running swiftly to block the exit. Just as she grabbed the sword, she felt something touching her back.

Pain. That's all she feels. She looks down to see the sword sticking out of her chest, slick with her blood. The pain rushed through her body and she could hear herself screaming but she couldn't see Frank... and then everything went black

"Hazel!" Frank screamed at the sight of her body. He glanced at the girl pulling her sword from her chest, the blood dripping onto the ground. He wanted to stay and avenge Hazel, but he knew that Hazel would want him to live.

I'm sorry, Hazel, Frank thought as he sprinted for the woods.

Percy was running for a sword when he heard her scream.


He ran towards the sound of her voice, and found her on the ground. A dagger was gripped weakly in her hand. Above her stood Luke, his sword dripping with her blood. Percy growled and slashed at him. Luke blocked him. They exchanged blows in less than a second, strike and parry, while Annabeth groaned. Percy glanced down at her, and Luke took advantage of the distraction. Soon both of them were on the ground.

"I expected more of you, Percy," Luke said. "I thought you were a Career." he turned to Annabeth. "And you. I offered you an alliance, and you refused."

"We would never work with a scumbag like you," Percy wheezed.

Percy's last thought as he gripped Annabeth's hand was that she shouldn't be this cold.

Nico ran around the Cornucopia, looking for Will. They were supposed to be Allies, but if he didn't find him soon then he'd have to run for it. 

Nico was just about to turn towards the woods when a blinding pain racked his body. Looking down, he nearly fainted at the sight of the spear poking through his chest.

Reyna pulled the spear out and pushed Nico's body onto the ground next to her other kill, the boy from Six. Nico weakly grabbed Will's hand before his eyes closed and everything went black.

Juniper and Grover ran hand in hand away from the Cornucopia, both of them panting. Drew saw them and nocked an arrow, pointing it straight at a receding Juniper. Grover, hearing the whistle of the arrow, quickly turned and jumped in front of the arrow before it could hit Juniper.

"Grover!" Juniper screamed as the arrow hit him. She looked at Drew, the arrow, and then at Grover's still body. Hot tears poured down her face as she whispered, "I love you," before pulling the arrow out of Grover's body and plunging it into her heart. Drew watched in satisfaction as Juniper collapsed, silent and glassy-eyed.

Meanwhile, Piper and Chris grappled for a backpack. Piper watched in horror as Chris's chest was ripped open by Clarisse's spear.

"I'm sorry," Clarisse whispered, "but I have to kill you. Or my father will kill me."

Piper quickly grabbed the backpack and ran away. Jason watched as she sprinted forwards, then turned to the tributes he and Luke had cornered. He could barely remember their names- Rachael? Pollux? It's all over with one deft movement of Luke's sword.

I'm doing this for Piper, he reminded himself.

On the other side of the Cornucopia, Reyna and Clarisse had Calypso and Leo boxed in. Leo grabbed Calypso's hand, preparing for their inevitable death. Reyna stabbed Calypso, but before Clarisse could kill Leo, Luke stopped her.

Luke regarded Leo with cold blue eyes. "Don't kill him," he said. "He could be useful to us." Leo gritted his teeth and slowly let go of Calypso's hand. Her cold, lifeless hand.

I'll find a way to kill them, he thought. I'll find a way to make them all pay for Calypso.

Meanwhile, Katie tried to run away from the Cornucopia unnoticed. She didn't have time to grab anything- not even a backpack.

Travis ran up to her, sprinting to keep up with her quick legs. "Hey!" He called out. "I was thinking, since we have this mutual hate thing going on, maybe we could be Allies?"

Katie started at the sound of his voice, but despite her fear, didn't run away. "What?" she asked, panting.

"You. Me. Allies," Travis said, stepping in front of her and forcing her to stop.

Katie huffed. "If I say no, are you going to go away?" 

"Nope." Travis grinned at her cockily.

"How do I know you won't try and kill me?" Katie asked, raising an eyebrow.

Travis shrugged. "You don't. But if I wanted you dead, you'd probably be dead by now. Just saying."

Katie rolled her eyes. "Fine. Whatever."

Travis grinned, and together they jogged off into a field of grain.

Author's Note: since the Games have begun, I'm going to make a list of all the characters that are still alive.

District One: Octavian Legacy, Drew Tanaka

District Two: Luke Castellan, Clarisse La Rue

District Three: Leo Valdez

District Four: Reyna Ramirez-Arellano

District Five: Nancy Bobofit

District Eight: Lou Ellen

District Ten: Frank Zhang

District Eleven: Travis Stoll, Katie Gardner

District Twelve: Jason Grace, Piper McLean

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