Chapter 13

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I walked into class with a smile on my face but that soon ended what I saw Daniel and Riley looking at me. Riley looked sad and Daniel looked mad, what the hells going on?!

The bell rang and the teacher walked in "Okay class get with your partners I'll give you today to work on your assignments" She said smiling but some of us were definitely not.

Daniel left his seat and sat next to me. None of us said anything for a few minutes.

"Okay what's up?!" I asked sassily.

"What do you mean princess?" He asked looking at me.

"You seem mad at me for something and I want to know why!" I said.

"Nope I'm not mad at you" He said in a soft voice.

"Okay then why aren't you talking?" I asked.

"You aren't either" He said and his lips started to curve.

"Alright so what now?" I ask.

"I'll come over again after school" He said.

"Okay" I said and sighed.

"What?" He asked.

"I can't sleep now" I said whining.

"Boohoo" He said chuckling.

"Hey! You asked?!" I said defensively and giggled.

"I did indeed" He grinned.

I looked away for a second because I felt eyes on me and saw Riley and Ben both looking at us. I looked away and sighed. Shes probably plotting her next move to ruin my life.

*6th period*

"Mrs. Larsen are you going to be competing?" Mrs. Glenford asked.

"I don't know yet" I sighed.

"Well let me know soon.

"You really should do one" Alyssa nudged me.

"I don't know"

"Your voice is amazing! And you could totally win! I'm doing it for fun but you should do it for the scholarship" She said.

"Thanks Alyssa but it's not that I don't want to its just I have so much on my plate right now and I have a little stage fright" I sighed.

"Well I hope you do"

The bell rang and I realized half way down the hallway that my car wasn't parked in its usual spot. I turned around and sighed looking up to see all three Riley, Ben, and Daniel starring at me.

I sighed and walked over to them "can you all stop starring at me?!" I asked annoyed.

They all looked surprised Ben had wide eyes, Daniel was smirking at me, and Riley had her mouth open and looked like she was trying to muster up the words she wanted to say to me.

"Sorry" Riley finally said and looked down. Shes probably trying not to laugh. I looked at them one more time and walked away.


I got home and started working on homework. "Ugh why is this so hard!" I said throwing my pencil.

I got up to grab my pencil and saw my music notebook on the floor. I sighed and grabbed it, let's relive some stress! I thought and started writing.

*ding* *dong* I sighed and put my notebook away. I walked down stairs and opened the door. "Hey" I said letting Daniel in.

"Hey princess" He said walking inside.

"So how are we gonna get to know each other today?"

"Hmm let's play 21 questions"

"Okay" I said and I went and sat down on my couch. "You go first"

"Alright" He said thinking. "Cats or dogs?"

"I love them both, but if I had to choose then dogs" I sighed. He nodded.

"What's your favorite food?" I asked.

"I dont know" He said chuckling. As he thought his eyes lit up "i don't know about you but i'm in the mood for cookies" He said getting up off the couch.

I furrowed my eyebrows and followed him into my kitchen. "What kind?" I asked chuckling.

"Chocolate chip" He said longingly.

"Pfft okay" I said turning to my cupboards.

"Wait really you're gonna make me cookies?!" He asked excitedly.

"No were going to make them, together" I said and laid all the needed items on the counter.

"I don't know how" He said frowning.

"I'll teach you" I said poking his heart. He gave me a pouted face and rubbed the spot I poked.

"Oh c'mon it'll be fun" I said grinning at him.

"Okay" He sighed.

I started putting ingredients on the bowl as he read them off to me. "Butter, brown sugar and granulated sugar. Wait what's granulated sugar?" He asked confused.

"It's just regular sugar" I answered.

"Oh yeah I guess it's my turn at ask you a question" He said referring to 21 questions.

"You just did" I sassed and mixed the ingredients.

"That doesn't count! I was confused" He argued.

"Okay fine" I said giggling.

"Are you always home alone?" He asked.

"No my mom just works the night shifts" I replied.

"What about your dad?" He asked.

"He doesn't live with us anymore" I said sighing.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to upset you or anything I just remember he came to your choir concerts and stuff".

"Yeah well he moved away" I said pouring the flour viciously into the bowl.

"Wow that's a lot of flour" Daniel said and I looked down.

"Yeah it is" I said beginning to stir it.

"Do you want me to help-"

"Nope I've got it" I interrupted him.

The dough was a little hard to push so I used my other hand for support and it went straight through the batter and knocked flour everywhere.

"Oh no!" I said looking at Daniel and he had flour all over him.

I started laughing my ass off and he glared at me. "You think that's funny huh well" He grabbed some flour and threw it at me.

"Hey!" I said and stopped laughing.

"It's not so funny now is it?" He asked and I grabbed more flour and threw more at him.

"Oh really" He said and grabbed and egg.

"Wait no don't! " I said going to run away from him but he wrapped his arm around me and slapped the egg on top of my head.

"Eww!" I said feeling the thick liquid in my hair.

"If it makes you feel better, now you look even more Eggcelent" He laughed and I glared at him.

"Well now we have to clean this mess up!" I whined and he chuckled.

"That actually was fun" He said getting a rag and cleaning the flour off his face.

"I need to shower" I said walking up the stairs.

"Maybe I can join you" He said smirking.

Hey y'all thanks for reading! Sorry not sorry for the pun. Please vote and comment because it means the world to me and I love you! Bye lovelies!

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