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James Charlus Potter was excited. He had heard stories his entire life about Hogwarts- the ceiling in the Great Hall, the ghosts, the teachers, the dorms, the ever moving staircases and even some of the secret passages!

To be so close to experiencing it all himself made him all giddy and happy. He, ofcourse was going to Gryffindor, the House of the Brave, Daring and Chivalrous; like his father, his grandfather and his great grandfather and his great great grandfather and his great great great- well, you get the idea.

The Potters had always been in the House of the Lions except a few scant Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws... His maternal side of the family however, had always been in Slytherin or sometimes Ravenclaw.

Lord Charlus Potter and Lady Dorea Potter nee Black had thought they would be childless, after years of trying. So, it was a happy miracle when Lady Potter was with child in her late thirties and gave birth to a lovely baby boy with untamable, wild, curly black hair and warm hazel eyes. James had grown up with the best parents anyone could ask for. Granted they spoilt him a bit but don't all parents?

Anyway, Lady Potter was, like most Blacks sorted into the House of the Snakes; (which honestly did not surprise the young Potter when he first found out. Honestly! His mother was the scariest person he knew...) She had told him many stories about the Snake's lair which was under the Black Lake and about the Slytherin heirachy system.

After the loud ring of the whistle, announcing the soon departure of the train and last minute hugs, kisses and prank ideas ("Charlus!") James, with his trolley in one hand and his Eagle Owl, Godric on his shoulder took a deep breath and walked to the magnificent scarlett train that would begin the next phase of his life.

"Can I sit here?" He asked trying not to sound nervous.

He had already checked the other compartments but they all had fellow 11 year olds already. This was one of the last few compartments and he was quite happy to find only one other person seated.

"You may." Said the other boy. His voice a bit deep and very smooth.

James nodded his head in thanks and quickly sat down in the other seat so that he was facing the boy. The boy had black hair, like him although silky and tamable. He had startling, familiar grey eyes and elegant, aristocratic features.

"I'm James. James Potter." He said holding out his hand after getting settled.

The other boy looked at him, seemingly debating whether or not to accept before deciding and linking their hands together, "Merry meet. I am Black, Sirius Black."

They shook hands.

James's eyes widened at the ever familiar surname, though not for the reasons that Sirius thought it did, and said, "Black? Are you the son of Walburga Black?"

"Yes." He replied. Being reminded that Walburga Black was his mother was not a pleasant feeling.

James trademark grin appeared on his face. "That's great!"

Sirius frowned, "I fail to see how so."

James rolled his eyes, "Don't talk so formal. Please. You remind me of those child politicians who talk like they have a wand up their arse."

Sirius's lips twitched. "Very well."

At the look James was giving him, he added, "Fine! But getting back to the point, why is me being the son of Walburga Black a good thing?" He tried not to say that name with too much emotions.

James smiled. "It's great actually! My mother is Dorea Potter nee Black. That makes us cousins... We're family!"

"Well, technically, my grandfather, Pollux is the brother of your mother; which would make you cousins with my mother and hence, my uncle." Stated Sirius.

He would be lying if he didn't enjoy the look of horror on his companion's face who didn't seem to be like being reminded by the fact that he was related to Walburga Black.

James shook his head. "No. No way."

"What's the matter, Uncle?" asked Sirius with the most innocent face he could make(which was VERY innocent, thank you very much.)

James had a look of horror on his face again. "Nuh uh. If we are going to make this relationship work, then we are going to have to establish some ground rules. ("You make it sound like we are dating.") The first and most important being you never call me Uncle. Ever. I'm your age for Godric's sake! It's just... wrong."

Sirius gave him a deadpanned look. "My mother and father are second cousins."

James blinked once. He blinked once again. "Point taken."

"So, which House do you want to go to?" asked James.

"You first." Said Sirius.

"Gryffindor, where the Brave and Nobel dwell."

"That doesn't sound too bad. Maybe I'll go there."

"I thought you'd want to be a Snake."

"I rather like the idea of breaking tradition..." He replied.

They sat in a comfortable silence for half a minute.

James being James, could not take the silence, "So... Best mates for life?"

Sirius smirked. "Best mates for life."

And to think that the two of them owed their friendship to Walburga Black. 

The Lion and The Raven ~ James Potter AUWhere stories live. Discover now