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In reference to the wager, Camilla did become the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain. Their friends exchanged nervous glances among themselves whenever they saw James and Camilla argue about the better team. This was more than just team rivals now, their pride was at stake. Everybody unanimously voted for Selena to lock them in a cupboard if they did start fighting. Perhaps that move would even serve to finally let them kiss and make-up; they had a little over hundred gallons on a bet regarding their relationship as a couple, after all. 

During the first full-moon back at school, a lone werewolf is joined by an odd set of animals comprising of a stag, a dog and a crow. Remus is in tears when he finds out what they did for him and Regulus awkwardly pats his back when he is -not so unwillingly- pulled into a group hug.

When Camilla announces that she intents to start a runes mastery now, James abruptly says he wishes to become a Transfiguration Master. Her pleasant surprise, beautiful smile and warm hug is totally worth the trouble Professor Mcgonagall would no-doubt give him during the apprenticeship. 

Their pet project has just been completed. They've created a map. A map that shows all the hallways and corridors and rooms of Hogwarts along with all the locations of the students and teachers and occupants. 

Nobody could understand why Regulus, James and Sirius smirking secretly whenever they make references regarding crows, stags and dogs respectively. All except Remus, who suddenly gains a  cringe-worthy, pained look whenever they do so and wonders what crime he had committed in his past life to have to suffer these antics.

"Hello deer," Sirius grinned.

"Sirius, have I ever told you that you are completely pawsome." James mirrored his grin. 

Regulus rolled his eyes from beside them. "If you both don't stop ranting and raven, I'm going to murder you."

"Reggie!" Camilla admonished. "What's up with you today?"

"Nothing deer," James said as he casually threw an arm on her shoulders. "He's secretly very fawned of me." 

Regulus smirked a bit. "Oh stop crow-ing around and spreading such lies." 

Sirius gasped dramatically. "Mutt  you hound us, brother?" 

"I think this is a defence mechanism for trying to cope for losing against Gryffindor." James chided before Regulus could reply. "But do it again. I deer  you." 

"Hello everybody," Selena said approaching them. "Can I have that?" She said pointing at a food on the table. Camilla and Catherine had made everybody sit in the Ravenclaw table and each of them had been avoided points for inter-house unity. Selena had said she would talk to Narcissa Black before going them.  "Ours ran out." 

"Sure," Sirius said. "Whippet  you need?" 

Regulus smirked and looked directly into Sirius's eyes. "She wants crownuts." 

Sirius gasped. James laughed. Selena looked confused but took the cronuts, anyway and went back to talking with Narcissa at the Slytherin table.

"Okay, seriously you guys -don't you dare comment on that Black!- what is up with you all?" Camilla asked.

James waved her off. "Nothing. Doen't worry about it." 

Sirius grinned. "Yeah. Just puget about it." 

"I agree," Regulus smirked. "Could you pass me the cawfee?" 

Camilla frowned her eyebrows, but passed the pitcher nevertheless. She stood up. "Okay, that's it. I know deer is something going on and frankly I doen't care what the ideer is, but if the three of you blow up the woof or are up do something that I can pawmise you that I will assign you so many detentions that you wouldn't have even thought was pawssible. And Regulus deer, I know you have an obsession with crows, but you really need to stop crowing about it. If you want to make a bird pun to counter this, know that toucan play at that game." Then she flipped her hair and walked out of the room.

The Lion and The Raven ~ James Potter AUWhere stories live. Discover now