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After a long and healthy discussion about Quidditch, ("Puddlemere United rules!" "Your judgement stinks, dear Uncle, {'Not your Uncle!'} the Montrose Magpipes are clearly the best!" "The Holyhead Harpies are the best you les cochons!" Sirius later informed James that she called them pigs.) Sometime in-between the conversation, Camilla had taken to calling them 'Jem' and 'Siri' and James and Sirius had dubbed her 'Cam' and 'Milly' respectively; the rainbow eyed goddess bid them both adieu to go and search for her 2 older cousins.

James and Sirius who were in a very productive conversation about the goodness of treacle tarts and cookies broke up from their conversation when the compartment door slid open. Both the boys were expecting to see Camilla and were quite disappointed to not.

There was a girl, yes. But she had fiery red locks with wild curls- a complete contrast to Camilla's liquid gold hair with soft waves. Though the red head's eyes were a very unique shade of green-they sparkled like emeralds; unlike Camilla's ever changing, colourful, kaleidoscopic eyes. The girl had a spray of freckles across her button nose and rosy cheeks. The red in her cheeks clashing horribly with her red hair. The girl was shorter than Camilla and had tears escaping her eyes.

The redhead was still sniffing when she asked, "Can we sit here?"

The boys shrugged.

The girl nodded her head in thanks and dragged another person into the compartment before shutting the door.

The new boy was as tall as them with very pale skin. His face was a tad too narrow and he had a large hooked nose. His eyes were pools of void and he had black hair, much like both the boys, but his was very straight and very greesy.

The girl was still sniffing and the boy looked like he would comfort her except he didn't know how to do so nor would he do it in front of anyone. None of the boys bothered enough to ask the girl why she was upset or try to comfort her.

An uncomfortable, awkward silence lasted in the air; so different to about 15 minutes ago when there was screaming and teasing and playful punches and an almost food fight.

The girl collected herself after a few minutes and finally broke the silence, "Hello. It's wonderful to meet you both. I'm Lily Evans and this is my friend, Severus Snape." She said with a warm smile and kind eyes.

The boy did nothing but nod in recognition when his name was introduced.

Uncle and nephew thought over their surnames and didn't recognize them. Muggleborns. At best, halfbloods.

Sirius took Lily Evan's hand from her side, leaned down and kissed it causing the red in her cheeks to become worst.

Severeus recognized this pureblood greeting. He was in the presence of a pureblood heir. Or two considering the boys looked similar in a certain angle and they were conversing quite happily before being interrupted. He was quite eager and curious as to which House they belonged to.

"Merry meet, Miss Evans. I am Black. Sirius Black." Said boy introduced himself in his smooth, charming voice.

It took all of Severus's will power to conceal his look of surprise. The Blacks. The Most Ancient and Nobel House of Black. The Sacred 28. The Elite. So the Black Heir's companion is also a pureblood from a very good House. He has to make a good impression now. He has to. He has to show them he was worthy. He may be a halfblood, but his mother was a Prince and the Prince's were renowned for their Potion skills.

The other boy, the one with the hazel eyes also followed the Black Heir's lead and kissed the blushing girl's hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Evans. I am Potter. James Potter."

Severus brains immediately brought forward whatever information his mother, Eileene Snape nee Prince told him about the Potters. The Most Ancient and Nobel House of Potter. Lord Potter. Head of DMLE. Lady Potter. Potions Mistress. Not included in the Sacred 28 for the sole reason that Lord Henry Potter had a talent for pissing people off. Severus Snape considered himself one of the most luckiest people in the world. He was in the presence of not only one, but two pureblood heirs! If he played his cards right, then he was sure that he could make a proper allience and would have House Black and House Potter standing behind him. And with the support of 2 such powerful Houses, he was confident that most people would be able to look over his blood status and instead focus on his actual worth...

So, he cleared his voice lightly and spoke, "Which House would you like to be sorted to?"

"Gryffindor." They answered in union.

Severus scowled "Obviously you too would want to go to Gryffindor. You were screaming before we entered, you have absolutely no decorum. By going to Gryffindor, Black, you would be disgracing your Nobel name and become a blood traitor. And obviously Potter will go there. They are known for being reckless and not using their brains.

Severus did not realise it. but he had actually spoken these words aloud in the presence of the mentioned people who were quite pissed. Severus would later wonder, that if he had kept these thoughts in his mind and not accidentally said it out loud, would things have been different? Yes, he would conclude. Things would have been much, much different.

"Get out." said Black, his face blank, eyes ice cold and voice cool.

Severus blinked, "I'm sorry, did I do something to offend you?"

"Oh no, its us who should apologise. After all, Black is just a disgraced blood traitor and I'm just a reckless moron" said Potter sarcastically, his ears red.

Severus's eyes widened in surprise when he realised he had said those words out loud.

"I- I apologise, it was quite rude of me to-"

"Get. Out." said the Black heir through gritted teeth.

"I sincerely apologise from the bottom of-"

"We both want you to get out." said James, trying to calm himself.

"I'm not sure I under-"

"Get out before we make you, Snevellious!" Screamed James, standing up, his eyes filed with rage. The nickname left his mouth without much thought, but at that moment, he did not regret it.

"We don't want you here" supported Sirius also standing up, his arms crossed on his chest.

Severus was surprised and disgusted. How dare Potter give him such a horrendous nickname!

But before he could retaliate, Lily, sweet Lily came to his defence, "How rude, apologise to Severus! He was just trying to apologise, after all!"

"He insulted us, first." replied James, voice struggling to keep calm.

"Still! He apologised. We should let bygones be bygones. Shouting is never the answer." she screamed.

"You are shouting at us right now." said Sirius dryly.

"Thats- Thats different." Spluttered Lily.

"And pray tell us how so?" James asked cheekily.

"Cause- cause- Aaah! C'mon, Severus. I can't stay with these arrogant toe rags any longer." Any with that, Lily Evans grabbed Severus Snape by her sleeve and dragged him out the door, flipping her flaming red locks just before shutting said door.

"Anyone else think she's a stuck up brat?" asked James.

"Me!" answered Sirius, raising his hand like a good student. "Whatever House I go to, I hope she's not there. Both of them, really."

James nodded. "C'mon. Let's get changed. I reckon we'll be at Hogwarts soon."

Godric hooted in response.

The Lion and The Raven ~ James Potter AUWhere stories live. Discover now