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"Why were you talking with Lucius Malfoy?" asked Sirius, as he sat at the Ravenclaw table next to  Milly with a natural elegance.

James smirked as he dropped himself on the other side of Camilla, "I know, right! Lucius Malfoy is without a doubt the most idiotic, peacock like, dumb-"

"He is my cousin." she piped.

She was greeted with the shocked faces of Jem and Siri. They made quite a sight really, with their wide eyes and open mouths.

She smirked, "If you want to know our genealogy, my father's sister happens to be his mother."

Their mouths were still dropped, not a single ounce of their pureblood composure was to be seen.

She continued with her voice casual, however the shit eating grin on her face said everything, "We happen to be quite close, actually. He visits the Main Lavensque Castle  every summer and I visit the Malfoy Manor every weekend. He is like the big brother I always wanted."

Their faces had not changed one bit.

"The Main Lavensque Castle?" asked Lily Evans, who was passing by. "How many do you have?"

"7 in France. 6 others are spread across the globe. Oh and 42 Manors as well." she said like she was talking about the weather.

Lily Evans' face resembled James and Sirius so much in that moment, they could have been mistaken for triplets.

Camilla Lavensque calmly sipped her Iced Tea. 

"Good morning, Camilla." said Catherine Fawley as she seated herself across her best friend, "Theodore Nott asked me to inform you that he was waiting outside the Ravenclaw Tower for you..."

"Oh, alright. Merci..." she replied with a smile as she got up from her seat to leave.

James was the first to snap back to reality, and he frowned confused, "Why would Nott want to talk to you?"

This time, it was her turn to look confused, "Why wouldn't he? He is my cousin." and without another word, she left.

Both the confused boys and the still frozen Lily Evans turned to Catherine Fawley who was, much like her best friend, siping her orange juice calmly, with their mutually confused expressions.

She raised a perfect eyebrow, "What?" she asked.

"Nott- cousin- how-what?" mumbled Lily Evans.

She carefully set her orange juice glass on the blue coaster with the grace of the pureblood heiress she was and explained, " Theodore Nott and Camilla Lavensque are related through her mother. Her mother is Regina Lavensque nee Nott."

Sirius Black composed himself, "So, she is related to Malfoy and Nott?"

"Yes." replied Fawley.

"And they are first cousins?" asked Lily Evans.

Catherine Fawley looked at her with a sour expression on her beautiful face, but answered her nevertheless, "Yes."

"And they are very close?" asked James Potter, still dazed.

She looked directly into his hazel eyes. "Extremely."she replied.

Sirius and James looked at each other in complete horror.

"Oh, Merlin! What have we gotten ourselves into?" they cried.

Catherine Fawley siped her juice with the most beautiful grin on her face.

Hello everybody! I hope you all like this book...

I have decided that from now on, I will be posting one-shots based on their time in Hogwarts. So, it will mostly be fluff and comedy stuff as well as some crucial moments. This is easier for me as if I get a very adorable idea in my head, I can type it down and post it without worrying about messing up the timeline.

This is one of the many mini-stories that are going to arrive. It will have characters that I featured in the CAST chapter.

The last chapter I will be posting is the whole Moldywart-comes-to-kill-a-little-baby issue.

Anyway, until then, feel free to leave comments having suggestions or any one-shot you would like to see. I shall give you the credit for your idea.

I hope that you agree for this concept that I am trying to implement.

Thank you so much for reading, and HAPPY READING!


The Lion and The Raven ~ James Potter AUWhere stories live. Discover now