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They decide to live together in a small cottage owned by the Potter's at Godric's Hallow until they finish their respective apprentiships. They carry all their stuff in boxes and move it into the cottage, before becoming too lazy to unpack it. The cottage looks huge and spacious with nothing in it yet. They play music and laugh while dancing bare-footed until dinner. They eat oats, eggs and toast for dinner because neither of them can actually cook. Their beds haven't been set up yet, so they spread a blanket in the yard outside and fall asleep next to each other under the stars.

They attend a muggle cooking class, and learn how to cook the basics. The first time they try to cook in the kitchen, it turns into an epic food fight. Remus visits, only to find them both covered head to toe in floor and eggs, and then makes them clean up the mess without magic as a punishment.

They attend Lucius and Narcissa's wedding. It's beautiful and Camilla is a bridesmaid. When Narcissa throws the bouquet of flowers, Camilla catches it. Lucius and Theodore smirk knowingly at James.

James finishes his transfiguration Apprenticeship. In celebration, he takes Sirius, Remus, Camilla, Lucius, Theodore, Narcissa, Selina, Catherine, Frank, Alice and Regulus to a Quidditch game played between Puddlemere United and Holyhead Harpies- his and Camilla's favourite teams respectively. Before the start of the game, when everybody is seated, James drags her by the hand to the centre of the field. National level quidditch players, reporters and fans surround them. Camilla looks confused when the captain, who is also the seeker of the Holyhead Harpies throws a snitch to James, who catches it and twists it open to reveal a ring. She gasps in surprised happiness as he kneels down with a grin and proposes. She's nodding with happy tears as he makes a lovely, moving speech and places the ring on her finger. He expertly twirls her around as she jumps into his arms and pulls him into a kiss after he puts the ring on her. The whole stadium erupts with cheers and everybody congratulates them. For the first time ever, the game between Puddlemere United and Holyhead Harpies end in a tie.

Their wedding takes place in a small island in the Carribeans. It is friends and family only. It's beautiful and they say their vows as the sun sets. Camilla looks impossibly beautiful in her white gown and James smiles the entire time. They have their first dance together. Sirius tells them to have fun on their honeymoon and to try to be careful, he is too young to be a godfather. James laughs as Camilla tells him that her heels are extra pointy that day. Sirius takes a visible step back. James is horribly confused when all of Camilla's relatives speak to him in French, and he unknowingly agrees to rub a potion on her great aunt's back. James decides he really hates French. Camilla doesn't throw her bouquet. Instead, she walks over to Selina Greengrass and hands her the bouquet of flowers with a mysterious smirk. Someone pokes her from the back and Selina turns to see Sirius kneeling on the floor with a wide smirk. They celebrate two events that day- the marriage of Camilla and James and the engagement of Sirius and Selina.

They spend the whole honeymoon calling each other nothing but 'husband' and 'wife'. Camilla teaches him how to speak those words in French. James forgets those words by the end of the day.

Camilla finally finishes her second apprenticeship. She now has a mastery in Alchemy and another one in Runes. She wants to do another one, she tells James. She flips a coin to decide between Charms and Potions. Charms wins.

James confesses to her that he misses pranking. Camilla tells him that he should open a pranking business, like Zonko's. He tells her that he will think about it. One week later, James, Sirius and Remus jointly open a pranking business called Marauders. Their slogan is "Mischief Managed". Camilla, Selina, Catherine, Theodore, Narcissa, Lucius, Regulus, Frank, Alice and Minerva Mcgonagall own major shares of the company. They open one branch in Diagon Alley and another in Hogsmead simultaneously. Within a month, the Marauder's is the most visited and successful shop, other that Fortensque's Ice-cream.

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