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They are in their forth year now, and James feels annoyed by how many people are staring at Camilla.

Yeah, she was pretty before and is starting to look beautiful now, but that doesn't give guys the right to ask her out on dates!

The three girls seem to be even more closer now, and have added another member -a Gryffindor in their year by the name of Alice Fortensque- into their tightly-knit group. They now tend to  giggle at boys and James finds it weird and just wants everything to go back to the way it was before. And the worst part is when he asks them what they are talking about and they giggle again, share secret looks and reply "It's girl stuff" in union.

So, he decided that if they are going to keep a secret from him, it's only fair if he and they guys keep a secret from them. James grins as he looks at Sirius and Remus. "Boys, we are learning how to become animagus's."

It's Sirius's birthday again, and Camilla enlists the help of the House Elves to bake him a fourteen-layer cake and presents it to him during dinner. Their Transfiguration Professor seems to have a sixth-sense for trouble, and looks at the cake with visible suspicion as Camilla lights the candles with an innocent smile.

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong with the cake, Miss Lavensque?" The Scottish professor asks with narrowed eyes.

"Of course, Minnie." Camilla smiles. "In fact, I solemnly swear-"

The candles melt and the huge cake bursts, splattering icing and vanilla goodness as far as two tables.

"-that I am upto no good." Camilla finishes with sparkling, mischievous eyes.

Sirius grins and shares a look with James- both of them covered in cake from head to toe. They both stand up on the table and shout in union. "Food fight!"

Catherine is the first to react, and throws a treacle tart on Selina, who looks shocked for a second and throws it back, accidentally hitting it on the face of Chelsea Treya instead; which starts a war.

Professor 'Minnie' looks outraged. "You-you Marauders!"

Sirius looks thoughtful. "Hmm, that's actually a pretty good name. Right James?"
"Totally Sirius." James laughs and throws the nearest food -beans- at Camilla.

Minerva Mcgonagall was just about to shout at them and take away points when a pie hits her right cheek.

Silence and horrified gasps echo.

Professor 'Minnie' turns to the students slowly in an action that can best be described as the 'calm before the storm'. "Who did this?" She asks sweetly.

Hundreds of fingers point to the culprit- one guilty looking Albus Dumbledore.

Professor 'Minnie' smiles sweetly again, and it is the single most terrifying thing any of them have ever seen. Twenty pies are levitated from the table, and are smashed on Albus Dumbledore's face simultaneously. Mcgonagall smiles smugly now as the students cheer.

The food fight resumes with the teachers being dragged into it this time.

Professor Slughorn is covered in applesauce and peas, and Professor Flitwick smells like pumpkin juice and roast meat. Professor Sprout looks like a dessert covered in toppings and Professor Vector looks to have had a thanksgiving dinner dumped on her. The other professors are in similar states, but every single one of them looks like they are having fun. The students are no exception and most of them look unrecognisable. Lucius Malfoy's previously silky, perfect hair now is stuck together with honey, and Narcissa Black's formally impeccable attire looks like a buffet service. Regulus Black grinned widely as he threw food at people he hated and Theodore Nott -who's mildly allergic to peanuts- would have to visit the hospital later due to how much peanut soup he's accidentally swallowed.

The Lion and The Raven ~ James Potter AUWhere stories live. Discover now