entry eight

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hey journal,

these past few days have been pretty shit. i've barely moved from the sofa, to be honest.

i haven't really had the energy to write or anything, so sorry that i've missed five-odd days of writing.

i think it's just that on top of the breakup, the argument, and michael's publicity stunts, i've just been a bit down.

anyway, i've kind of been forced back into the real world today because we had another interview, annoyingly.

and d'you know what the worst part was? the interview wasn't even promo or anything for our music. literally nothing about our music was mentioned. no, this interview was more personal. thankfully, they didn't mention bryana, but they unsurprisingly did talk a lot about michael and laila. they also mentioned the articles.


"so, michael, it seems that you may have gotten yourself a lady friend recently," the interviewer stated, crossing her legs and raising her eyebrows at him.

i noticed calum roll him eyes. he's clearly peeved off with this, too. michael laughed vaguely, and disguised it as a cough.

"you mean my friend, laila?" he asked.

"'friend'? is that what she is?" the interviewer pushed.

"yeah, we're quite close," he nodded, ignoring her persistence.

"interesting," she said, leaning back into her chair, "and what is she like?"

"oh, she's lovely. i love her. she's an amazing friend,"

"mhmm, alright," you could tell that she was annoyed at how private he was being, so she moved onto something more controversial, "so, i wanted to talk about those articles from about a month ago, by the sun? you remember them?"

i was certainly surprised at the mention of them, because no interviewer has addressed them before, whether management ordered them to or not.

michael shifted in his seat, and we all looked at him. poor guy.

"yeah, i remember them," he answered nervously.

"who submitted those? do you know?"

"no idea," he lied, "just someone making up lies about me to ruin our image, i guess,"

the interviewer briefly darted her eyes towards me, before focusing her attention back onto michael.

"and none of it's true?" she asked innocently.

i tried to keep my cool, but i could feel the heat and the atmosphere of the room getting to me.

"no," he squeaked, literally. he cleared his throat, "no, it isn't,"

the interviewer smirked at his nervous voice crack, and looked at the camera albeit victoriously.

"i see. well, that's it for today i'm afraid,"

"oh no, i already?" i said sarcastically.

she glared at me, and michael laughed before calum elbowed him. the interview ended, and we got to go home.


michael was freaking out so much on the car ride back, bless him. it was quite funny actually, but i did feel bad for the poor guy.

anyway, twitter seemed to dislike this interviewer just as much as i did, which was a relief. but really, management told her to be as bossy as she was, so it's only partially her fault. but bitch wanted publicity, so she's still to blame.

but as i was checking twitter, i saw michael tweet something. i clicked on it instantly and smiled when i read it.

@Michael5SOS: I WANT TO PUNCH YOU IN THE MOUTH. WITH MY MOUth. softly. because i like you.

i was admittedly one of the first to like it, which is a bit embarrassing, but oh well.

anyway, today was slightly more eventful, which is good. life has been boring, just lying on the sofa like that.

that's it for today.

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