Too Close

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She had been looking for Amethyst for awhile now, at least half an hour. She arrived at the top of the hill, the hill that overlooked the Crystal Gem temple. She had stopped after finding Amethyst sitting on the edge of the hill and staring at the sky, the sky that was painted with different shades of red and pink. She then took a step forward, asking "...Amethyst?" in a soft and somewhat cautious tone of voice.

Amethyst turned around, rather surprised at the fact that Peridot was here. Her eyes had widened, gleaming, with her lips parted. She didn't really know the reason for why she was surprised that Peridot was here, with her, but she was. "Peridot?" She asked. She then paused and narrowed her eyes, "...Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your best friend right now?"

Peridot tilted her head and looked dumbfounded, "Well, I am here with her right now." She didn't really get Amethyst's little sarcastic comment about her friendship with Lapis.

"Heh, that's fair," Amethyst laughed in response, patting down on a plot of grass next to her to indicate that she wanted Peridot to come and sit with her. She then looked back up at the technician and gave her a small smile, "Here, come sit."

Peridot's eyes widened, "Oh - uh - okay!" She walked over and then sat right down next to the purple quartz.

Silence had hit them hard, as Amethyst watched the ocean waves crash and Peridot stared at her with a small but visible blush on her face. Amethyst then looked back at Peridot again and broke the silence, "Yo, I think I probably said this already but... I like your new regeneration, Peri! It really suits you!"

The light but clearly visible blush had grown on the green gem's face, as she was now flattered and smiling at the purple quartz, "Oh, wow! Thanks!"

Amethyst smiled back at Peridot and then went onto ask, "Sooo.. how were things without us, Per?"

Peridot started to fiddle with her fingers and avoided making eye contact with Amethyst, saying, "Well... things without you and everyone else were rather.. boring.. persay."

"Oh really, is that so? Was it because I wasn't here?" Amethyst asked her in a playful tone of voice. She had gotten closer to Peridot, and tilted her head, giving the technician a silly look.

Peridot rolled her eyes and pushed Amethyst's face away. "Oh yes! It was sooo incredibly boring here without my great, funny, big, and strong purple quartz!" She teased the other gem, in an almost flirtatious tone of voice as she smirked at her.

Amethyst giggled at how adorable and funny Peridot was, "Hehe, yeah." She paused and looked off into the distance. Amethyst then continued after a few moments, "Man... Homeworld was insane."

"What do you mean by that?" Peridot asked her, now confused again. She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes, looking at Amethyst for clarity.

"It's just.. I've never been to Homeworld before, y'know. There were so many gems.. Like a million.. And I saw era one Peridots! But... they weren't exactly as cool as you are, Peri, Amethyst rambled on, wrapping her one of her arms around Peridot's shoulder, something Peridot was quite used to. The technician's cheeks flushed, becoming a light shade of blue. "We saw White Diamond! And her pearl! Man.. they were so creepy. And there's so much else, but it's just a lot to explain, and I'm just kinda too exhausted from all of it right now to explain everything else."

"Yea... I vaguely remember White Diamond and her pearl both being creepy while I served for Homeworld," Peridot answered. She didn't get to see White Diamond and her pearl that much since White Diamond had isolated herself, hid herself away from Homeworld for so long.

"...Peri?" Amethyst asked. Peridot flinched, as something about the way Amethyst said that was.. Surprising. It had sounded so soft but also so vulnerable.

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