baby it's cold outside...

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"Aww Periiiii," The purple quartz whined, as she didn't want Peridot to leave, all she wanted was for Peridot to stay here with her. She had deeply desired to continue spending time with the green gem, and the thought of Peridot leaving her behind was something Amethyst fretted over. She looked over at the technician; the purple gem's eyes were now glossed over, with the corners of her mouth beginning to fall into some sort of a frown. "Do you HAVE to go?" The quartz continued to whimper, as she desperately didn't want Peridot to leave.

Peridot gazed back at the older gem, with a rather reluctant, hesitant look in her eyes. She abruptly looked away, now avoiding making eye contact with Amethyst. She then took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, but yes, I do have to leave now. I have to go prepare the greenhouse for Little Homeschool tomorrow. I am teaching a group of gems about gardening, and what it is." A small but oddly saddened smile began to form on Peridot's face, "I happen to be very excited about it, it's a good opportunity for them."

"But Periii," The purple quartz continued to beg and plead. The tone of her voice began to sound rather squeaky, as she tugged at the rim of the olivine gem's shirt. She truly didn't know why she was being so weird, so clingy, all of the sudden - but, all she wanted was for Peridot to stay here, at the temple, with her...

Peridot looked down at Amethyst, giving her a painful yet stern look, "Look, Amethyst... I'm very sorry but I have to go...," She apologized to the other gem, now feeling somewhat guilty, like she was the one at fault. She really didn't want to leave Amethyst like this, especially since she undoubtedly had no desire to leave at all. However, being an instructor at Little Homeworld, and helping those who were lost, trying to find themselves, was also very important to her. In an attempt to calm the desperate purple gem's worries, she suggested, "Maybe another time?"

"Ugh whatever," Amethyst sulked, like a toddler that had been told they couldn't get the toy they wanted. She then crossed her arms and turned around so Peridot couldn't see how upset she was. She almost felt bad for making such a scene, guilting Peridot into staying longer, but she just wanted Peridot to stay here. That was all she wished for. Was that too much to ask? "See ya around Dot," She muttered. She began to walk away from Peridot, who just stood there with confusion and guilt written all over her face.


This got Amethyst to suddenly spin around. She was now facing Peridot again, throwing her chubby arms out in a rather frustrated manner, "Look! I'm sorry too!" Amethyst abruptly shouted. She quickly paused, instantly realizing how overly worked up she had gotten. She then took a deep breath in somewhat of an attempt to calmly collect herself, "Look, I'm sorry. It's just - I never really get to see you anymore, and I just really miss you. Okay?"

"What do you even mean by that?" Peridot asked, the tone of her voice now sounding relatively puzzled, while she raising an eyebrow to Amethyst's apology. She really didn't understand the purple quartz's frustrations and where she was coming from. What was she even talking about? "I see you all the time!"

"I meant OTHER than Little Homeschool you big doof," Amethyst quipped, trying her best not to get frustrated with how oblivious Peridot was. She sighed, "I just.. I never get to hang out with you anymore." All of the sudden, Amethyst paused, now starting to choke up a bit, "And I just... really really miss you, because... I love spending time with you. Y'know?." She then looked away from the green technician, now blushing and shuffling her little feet, "...You're my best friend Peridot."

Peridot sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. She wasn't frustrated with Amethyst per se, she was just frustrated that Amethyst was right, that they barely got to see each other. It pained the green gem's heart so much to know that Amethyst was right, "Listen... I love spending time with you too Amethyst. But, as I have stated multiple times before, helping those gems adjust to their new lives on Earth is very important to me, and to them! And introducing them to the Earth's surroundings is an excellent opportunity for them!"

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