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You didn't mean for it to happen. Amethyst had invited you into her room just to hangout, like she normally did. It all started out with just talking. Talking about how much your lives have changed now that you were at peace with the diamonds. Talking about how happy the two of you were now. And when talking led to jokes, banter, teasing each other, you saw Amethyst in a totally different light. She was beautiful. Unbelievably gorgeous. Hushed in your gaze on Amethyst, you noticed she had been playing with her hair for the entirety of your conversation with her twirling it around and around her fingers, giggling. Suddenly, time froze. It was just you and her. Slowly, you started leaning forward, unknowing of what you were about to do. What were you going to do? Kiss her? You don't really like her that way, do you? Inching closer, and closer, you closed your eyes. You then feel like you are being pushed. You opened your eyes to find a mischievous, silly smile displayed across the other gem's face, and you hear a snicker from her. You then realized Amethyst had playfully pushed you

You pushed her back, as a wide lopsided smile appeared across your face. This led to the two of you goofing around, playfully shoving and pushing each other, with you managing to get the win by pushing her to the ground. You ended up landing on top of her, as she had taken you down with her. You had her pinned to the ground, and you were now sitting on top of her. It all felt so... familiar.

And then you remembered. You remembered the day you saw Amethyst about to get shattered by the drill head. You remember all of the chaos in putting Amethyst's safety over everything else. You remembered using all of your strength to make a leap of faith to save her. You remembered the both of you tumbling during your harsh landing, and when the dust had cleared, visibility returned. You felt your arms and legs on something other than the ground. You remembered looking down at the gem you sat above, gazing into each other's eyes at that moment. Her lavender hair sprawled out all over. You remembered your chest pounding, swirling with so many strange emotions. They were funny feelings that you had never felt before. You never felt as strange yet happy around anyone else, but in that moment while staring at her gorgeous face, messy lavender hair, big blue eyes, and plump purple lips, you felt a rush of awkwardness and embarrassment. You then pulled your body away from the source of all of the strange, funny feelings you were feeling. It was so strange. How wondrous someone could evoke such feelings in another individual.

You've always felt something for her, and you knew that, even if you didn't want to admit it. Ever since you were able to make her laugh for the very first time at the Kindergarten. She makes you feel safe. She makes you feel happy. She makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. She makes you feel big. You love the way she laughs, the way she smiles, the way she talks, the many nicknames she has for you, the way she touches you, the way she says your name, the way she looks at you. You love her deep blue eyes, her little nose, her full and plum stained lips, her curves, her chub, her thick and pale messy lavender hair. You absolutely love everything about her.

You feel a wide but loving smile slowly grow on your face, adoringly and affectionately staring at the quartz you sat on top of. You could feel your cheeks start to burn, as you watched the purple gem slowly sit herself up. You absentmindedly pushed her bangs aside, off of her face and out of her pretty blue eyes. She had the most confused but tender look on her face while she looked at you with her eyes wide and her lips parted. You could see the color of her cheeks start to turn into a darker purple. It was one of the most adorable looks she had ever given you. You could then feel yourself slowly leaning towards her, closing your eyes and tilting your head. You were completely unaware of what you were about to do. What WERE you about to do? Bumping your little noses together, you softly but firmly pressed your lips against hers.

Her lips were soft. So soft. You moved one of your hands to the side of her round face, gently cupping it. A few moments later, the realization of what you had just done finally dawned on you. You kissed her. You WERE kissing her. You broke away, as a look of horror had washed over your face. You then pushed yourself off of her lap. An awkward silence had befallen on the two of you. During those moments of silence, you held your fingers to your lips, eyes as wide as saucers, pupils the size of pinpricks. You were shocked. Horrified. Embarrassed. Wondering how and if you could ever face her again. A minute or two later, you finally spoke up, "I-I just kissed you.." You could barely look at her, ashamed by what you had just done.

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