May I have this dance?

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It was the evening of Steven's fifteenth birthday. August 15th. And of course they were celebrating it by throwing a birthday party for him. It was just the gems, Connie, and Steven's dad, Greg. They were all on the dance floor. Connie and Steven were unsurprisingly dancing together, as Lapis stood off to the side, because she wasn't really that much of a dancer, with Greg, who was of course djing music. Garnet, Bismuth, and Pearl were chatting the night away. And then there was Amethyst and Peridot, who was dancing together as well.

After one song finished, another one started playing. The mood of the song had changed from a tone that sounded that sounded fun to a tone that was more so slow and calm. It almost even sounded romantic. 'Oh my stars. The dance for this sound would be slow dancing? Wouldn't it?' Sometime ago, Peridot's curiosity got the best of her, so she decided to look up what a slow dance was, the definition being 'a type of partner dance in which a couple dance slowly, swaying to the music, usually done to very slow-beat songs, namely sentimental ballads.' Peridot then looked over at the purple quartz, almost like she was now staring at her, as Amethyst awkwardly stood there, staring back. Both wondering if the other gem would even want to.

After at least a couple of seconds of just awkwardly standing there and staring at each other, Amethyst finally spoke up, risking the chance of being rejected, asking "Peridot, may I have this dance?" in a tone that came off as daring and bold but also tense and anxious.

Amethyst then gently pulled her in, firmly but also gently placing her hand onto Peridot's hip. Peridot, in response, put her left hand on Amethyst's arm, with her right hand locked in with Amethyst's right hand. The rhythm of their bodies slowly dance with sentimental passionate music. Peridot found herself trembling and shaking, with her cheeks burning as they now had turned into a light shade of blue, admiring how beautiful she was. Her chest felt a mix of so many different things. It felt heavy. It felt tingly. And her chest was pounding to the point where it felt like it might burst. 'Stop staring at her like that you clod!' Peridot told her self in an effort to stop herself from staring at Amethyst, secretly praying that she would never notice how flustered she was.

She then looked down, so she wouldn't stare at Amethyst anymore, and so it wouldn't be noticeable that she was a complete mess. And yeah, she was a complete mess. She was trembling, blushing, and she had so many weird feelings in her chest. After about 30 more seconds or so of dancing, Peridot finally looked back up at Amethyst as she had told her to. Her breathing had now become little of depth, and her chest now practically felt like it was racing, and only seconds away from bursting. Her face was now incredibly close to Amethyst's, as she felt her lips inching closer to Amethyst's. She then caught herself, and immediately pulled away.

"I-I got to go..," Peridot stammered as she had nothing else to say in an attempt to flee. She was now looking away from Amethyst, avoiding eye contact altogether again. She then ran off, disappearing from sight.

Amethyst just stood there, now alone on the dance floor. She was incredibly confused, and nearly in disbelief, but also somewhat hurt, with the feeling like she had been punched in the gut. She felt incredibly stupid, for even asking Peridot to slow-dance with her, because she knew it was a dumb idea, but she did it anyways. She buried her face in her hands, frustrated and mad at herself, 'Ugh. I-I really messed up this time.. I should of known she was gonna get super uncomfortable. I should've known that things were gonna get really weird and awkward. This is all my fault.. I should've never asked her to slow-dance.. I mean.. Heh.. why would she want to slow dance with me anyways.. I know I wouldn't want to..' After taking a minute or two to collect her thoughts, she ran after Peridot, following her into the beach house, which was nearly finished being renovated. It was pitch dark, and completely silent. She turned on the lights, now slowly and quietly walking. "..Peridot?" She then asked, the tone of her voice being cautious. No response. "Peri, is.. Is everything okay?" Still no response. 'She has to be in the bathroom.' And so she was. Just sitting there, by herself, hiding her face in her knees, which she was hugging. "Oh man..Peridot." She sighed, "Per.. I'm sorry.. I should've never asked you to slow dance.."

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