so this is love

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It was a lovely and wondrous day in the small, isolated town of Beach City. The sun was shining its normal crimson gold color, the people of Beach City were out on the peaceful, sandy beach, watching the ocean waves slowly crash into each other. Little Homeworld lied just outside the outskirts of Beach City. It was a bustling town where lost and confused gems filled the sidewalks with traffic. Ever since it's completed construction, it had been turned into a school for ex-Homeworld gems to learn a better way of living. Amethyst, who was a teacher at this school herself, watched the many gems that had now inhabited Beach City pass by in small groups of theirs. She was on her way to visit someone who she considered to be her closest friend. Another teacher at this school. This gem was her best friend, actually. And that person was an adorable and ego-filled gem who called herself Peridot. Amethyst loved Peridot so much. Yes, as a friend, but at the same time, what she felt for Peridot was something way more than just platonic, and she knew that.

She had known that for years now, as she had felt that way ever since Peridot made the daring move to save her from the drill. Over the years, her feelings for the technician had grown bigger and stronger, becoming almost undeniable. Now, it felt that it was almost impossible for her to keep them hidden, especially from Peridot herself.

After minutes of walking through the now enormous, bustling town, Amethyst finally arrived at the little greenhouse Peridot had resided in. She promptly paused, as she got a good look at the outside of the greenhouse. The structure's walls were made with transparent, sparkling glass that glittered and shimmered in the shining sunlight. The whole exterior of the building looked rather clean, although Amethyst could easily tell that the windows had broken before. She really didn't feel like taking the time to knock, but Amethyst knew that kicking the door open as she did with any other door would immediately break it since it was made out of delicate glass. She gently placed her hand on the door handle and cautiously opened it, casually walking into the greenhouse Peridot was in.

Inside, she saw what seemed like millions of plants, and a small green gem watering what looked to be a small cactus in an orange-colored pot. "Heya Peri!" The purple quartz called from across the room in an attempt to get Peridot's attention. Peridot set the watering can down, and she was now looking over at Amethyst. Amethyst had her luscious mane of lavender hair tied up into a ponytail, to which Peridot had found strangely attractive and pretty, as Amethyst's curves were now revealed.

Peridot quickly got off her feet, running over to give Amethyst a big, warm hug. She wrapped her tiny arms around her, happily and excitedly yelling, "Amethyst!" as Amethyst lifted her into the air. After a few moments, Amethyst sat her down and Peridot let go of the older gem, still brightly smiling at her, "You cannot even imagine how happy I am to see you right now!"

"Aww dude, I'm happy to see you too!" Amethyst bubbled. "It's been a while, huh? -- So, how have ya been? Anything new happening?" Amethyst asked the technician, seemingly badgering Peridot with questions. She gently grabbed Peridot by the waist and pulled her in. This surprised Peridot, as a light blue blush had dusted her green cheeks. It wasn't that she didn't like Amethyst being affectionate with her, she did. It was just rather surprising to her, as Amethyst had never been this affectionate with her.

"Ohh not too much -- y'know?" The green gem happily chirped, "I am still giving lessons to those gems on gardening, and I'm even making new friends!" Peridot responded, with a bright, dorky smile growing across her face. However, that smile did not last too long, as that smile had begun to slowly fade away, "It's really nice... after everything with Homeworld and Lapis... I finally know my purpose and who I'm supposed to be..."

Amethyst's eyes widened, "...You... You didn't know beforehand?" She asked the technician, almost baffled, perplexed. She slightly cocked her head to the right with her eyes narrowing in pure confusion. This was rather surprising to her, as she had always thought Peridot had known her purpose and who she was supposed to be. Anyone would be given for thinking so. Peridot always acted like she did with her constant egotistical praising of herself and her victories. Amethyst had always thought Peridot loved herself -- but, did Peridot love herself?

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