I guess that's how I feel about you.

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They were sitting on the edge of the top of the hill where the lighthouse sat, the hill that overlooked the Crystal Temple. The sun was setting. It was just the two of them. No gems or humans in sight.

"Sooo, why did you take me here?" Peridot asked.

"I dunno. 'Guess I just wanted to show ya how pretty the view is up here, especially when the sun is setting," Amethyst answered.

"It is intriguing," Peridot intoned.

"Then I was right to take ya up here," Amethyst grinned. "And buhsides, I like hanging out with you, and I know you totally have a thing for Earth's aesthetics."

Peridot looked over at Amethyst, sightly smiling, "Yeah."

"Sooo.. I never asked you about this.. but.. how were things without us? Y'know, when we were on Homeworld?" Amethyst asked, out of curiosity.


"Oh really? I thought ya would've been hanging out with Ms. Buzz-er I mean Lapis," Amethyst pointed out.

"She took longer to regenerate then I did.., and when she came back, I guess I felt.. conflicted..," Peridot hesitated.

"Conflicted?" Amethyst questioned.

"Well.. Before she left, I ended up hurting myself just to make her happy. While yes, I was happy, and I thought I was happy, I literally had to 'walk on eggshells' to avoid upsetting her.., because I cared about her so much. She was the reason I felt so broken for such a long time. She was the reason why I moped and hid in Steven's bathroom. She fled. After I was so emotionally honest with her! She took everything that I ever had with her into space! Including my home! And then, she just left me! But - I - really missed her because she made me feel special.. I guess.. even though I had to bend over backwards for her.. and when she left, I felt lonely..," Peridot explained her thoughts.

"That's understandable.. I guess," Amethyst opined. Before, she didn't really like Lapis. She didn't like that she broke Peridot like that, and just didn't even care. Now, she was somewhat okay with her, just over protective of Peridot.

"So, how was being on Homeworld for the first time?" Peridot asked, genuinely curious. She knew that Amethyst was interested in learning about Homeworld.



"Dude. Garnet, Pearl, and I all got poofed at the 'Era 3' ball because Steven and Connie fused in front of everyone, so Garnet fused too to protect them, and Pearl and I did too. So yeah. Crazy. And it's also that, I've never been to Homeworld before. Everyone else hasn't, but I haven't. I guess it was just shocking.. there were so many gems, thousands, maybe even a million. I dunno. Heck, there were even era one Peridots! Buttt.. they weren't as cool as you are," Amethyst rambled. Peridot's cheeks turned a light shade of blue. "We even saw White Diamond! And her Pearl! Man. They were so creepy!"


"Also, they made put on limb enhancers for the Era 3 ball."

"Oh really?" Peridot asked.

"Yep! They were so weird to wear.. I even fell down in them, heh. I don't know how you put up with that for so long," Amethyst said. "I would've brought them back for you, except, they were left at the ball and I was poofed, so.. yeah."

"Well, I appreciate that you thought of it," Peridot smiled. Amethyst smiled back.

"So, how'd you like your first wedding?" Amethyst asked.

"It was fun. Up until the diamonds crashed it. But, it was very beautiful. They really love each other, so much," Peridot gushed, now twiddling her fingers. "It.. amazes me.. the concept of love, and how earthlings celebrate it."

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